These are two, neat, 1-Penny, GB postal stationery cards(in good-very good condition!) used abroad in Smyrna, Turkey! The brown, 1-Penny card(message written in French; requesting a stamp catalogue!) was sent on January 16, 1884(a pretty nice, SOTN, "F87" bar numeral cancel, and Smyrna CDS!), to a very early, well-known stamp dealer, Stafford Smith & Company, in Brighton, England! The orange, 1-Penny card was sent to Athens, Greece, on November 21, 1894(great strikes of the B.P.O. in Smyrna CDS and bar numeral, "F87!")! The mail went through Piraeus, Greece(11/11/94), before arriving in Athens. The message(in Greek) on this card appears to be business-oriented, as it was sent by a an ethnic Greek dealer in stationery products, a Jean G. Joannides!