Evansville, INDIANA - Oak Hill Cemetery - Chapel - 1907:  Oak Hill Cemetery is a historic rural cemetery located at Evansville, Indiana. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2004.  Oak Hill Cemetery traces its roots to 12 August 1850, when the Evansville City Council appointed a committee to search for a new cemetery to replace the first public burying grounds located on the southeast edge of town at Mulberry and Fifth Streets. Within two years they selected a plot of land, then known as "Lost Hill," which was 56-acres of undeveloped land about a mile and half from the then city limits.  By February 1853 lots were offered for sale.  This Undivided Back Era postcard, mailed in 1907, is in good condition but shows some edge wear.  A. C. Bosselman & Co.  New York.