Photoshop7.0 for windows, with serial number. 

Adobe Photoshop 7.0 is a significant release that introduced several features and enhancements that are still appreciated by users today. While newer versions of Photoshop offer even more advanced features and capabilities, Photoshop 7.0 remains a classic and continues to be used by many users for its reliability and ease of use.

Photoshop 7.0 is primarily used for image editing and manipulation. Its wide range of features allows users to perform various tasks such as:

  1. Photo Retouching: Fixing imperfections, adjusting colours, removing blemishes, and enhancing overall image quality.

  2. Graphic Design: Creating graphics, logos, banners, and other visual elements for print or digital media.

  3. Digital Painting: Using brushes and other tools to paint or draw directly onto digital canvases.

  4. Photo Compositing: Combining multiple images to create a cohesive composition, such as in advertisements or artistic projects.

  5. Web Design: Designing website layouts, buttons, and other graphical elements for online platforms.

  6. Text and Typography: Adding text to images, creating typographic designs, and manipulating text elements.

  7. Special Effects: Applying filters, effects, and adjustments to achieve creative or stylistic effects in images.

  8. Batch Processing: Automating repetitive tasks on multiple images simultaneously to streamline workflows.

    These are just a few examples of what Photoshop 7.0 can be used for. Its versatility and powerful toolset make it a go-to software for professionals and hobbyists alike in various creative fields.

Please Read the Terms and Conditions: Before purchasing this software, carefully review the terms and conditions, including the refund policy. It will specify whether or not refunds are allowed and under what circumstances. It's essential to be aware of the refund policy before making a purchase.

Note: Once the CD is purchased and opened, it can be copied easily, so returns are typically not accepted due to the risk of duplication! 

This program is compatible with:

Windows 9, 10 and 11.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me, where I will be very happy to help!