5g Organic Live Milk Kefir Grains 

5 g of Organic Milk Kefir grains will brew you approximately 250 ml every 24-48 hours and you can brew more once they grow.

 All you need to do is wash them each time and cover with milk . Once you start brewing you will see yourself how much more milk you can add. 

They multiply over time so you will have more of them . Best way to take advantage of kefir to be beneficial to your health is to drink every evening for 20 days and then have a 10 days break . Then start again . 

You can freeze them in the meantime . 

Once received all Live kefir grains require settling as they adjust to there new environment (they are very temperature sensitive) this takes between 1-3 brews. 

However I transfer some abroad when going on holiday and I make kefir as soon as I unpack , but above it’s just general guidance . It might depend on your room temperature.

Once settled they will make you very healthy kefir everyday.You can add fruit for more delicious taste . I add berries or a jam sometimes. But generally I drink plain. You can also add kefir to make some delicious pancakes or other food products. 

I made recently delicious fluffy pancakes with kefir egg and flour . I can attach recipe with the product if you like . Please drop me a message on checkout .

I used to eat kefir along with some delicious mash potatoes with fried onions at my Grandmas… 

These are just suggestions. Research is also recommended. Generally kefir is very beneficial for your immune and digestive system, so if u feel like your body needs some maintenance it’s great idea to start . Also if you taken antibiotics or loads of medicine as tablets, it’s good to repair your tired stomach and has anti fungal properties.