Stamp Cover :  The Centennial Anniversary of the Royal Forest Department

Date of issue   :        18  September 1996

Purpose          :       To commemorate the occasion when His Majesty King Chulalongkorn (King Rama V) established the 

                             Royal Forest Department one hundred years ago, and to campaign for the conversation of forest

Designs           :      3.00 Baht : Illustrates a Topical Rain Forest. Tropical rain Forests are characterized by dense evergreen trees of                               various sizes. These forests are usually found throughout Thailand, specifically in area with sufficient moisture

                             mostly damp, low-lying situations. 

                             6.00 Baht : Illustrates a Hill Evergreen Forest

                             7.00 Baht : Illustrates a Swamp Forest

                             9.00 Baht : Illustrates a Mangrove Forest