THC Urine Dip Strip Test 

25 Individually wrapped tests

Wondering if your family members or employees are using Marijuana

Product Description:

FDA Approved Drug screen test strip that tests for-THC-Marijuana
Test is easy to administer and interpret results, with a 99% accuracy
Detects Drugs in Urine for Up to 3-4 Days
Cutoff: 50 ng/ml


Remove the test panel from the sealed pouch and use it within one hour
Immerse the strip into the urine with the arrow pointing towards the urine
Take the strip out after 3 seconds and lay the strip flat on a clean, dry, non-absorbent surface.
Read the result in 5 minutes  


Negative: Two distinct colored lines appear.  One colored line should be in the control line region (C), and another colored line should be in the test line region (T). 

Positive: One colored line appears in the control region (C).  No line appears in the test line region (T). 

INVALID: Control line (C) fails to appear.  Insufficient specimen volume or incorrect procedural techniques are the most likely reasons for the control line failure.  Review the procedure and repeat the test using a new test.