Welcome to our eBay listing! We are a trusted seller providing premium products for your gaming pleasure. Before you proceed, please take a moment to read our important terms and conditions. By purchasing, you agree that you have read and understand these terms.

Note: I sometimes might not be able to send the account details instantly as I am asleep, I live in the CST time zone but I'll be sure to send the account details as soon as possible!

Refunds and Replacements: 
Please note that no refunds or replacements will be issued for any issues that occur after the product is delivered. This includes situations where the product may be banned, reverted, or locked. Such matters are beyond our control as we are solely sellers of these products. 

Documentation and Record-Keeping: 
For your protection and ours, all product deliveries are meticulously documented and recorded. This process is in place to maintain a record of delivery, should any disputes or chargebacks arise. In the unfortunate event of a chargeback or dispute, the purchased item will be locked, which means you won't be able to access it.

Additional Information: 
Please be aware that this is a digital item, and no physical product will be sent to you via mail. All products will be sent to you through eBay messages, ensuring a secure and seamless transaction.