At the age of two or three, children will begin to be obsessed with stickers. They are "poisoned" by children on books, windows and parents' skin.

In fact, some parents feel a headache for their children's hobby, because the stickers are sticky and difficult to clean, and the white walls become colorful, which will also make parents upset and distressed.

Even so, parents are advised not to stop their children. Because it is good for children's growth.

Benefit 1: exercise children's fine movements

Grasping and fingertip movements (holding, pinching, pointing, clicking and pressing) belong to fine movements. When the child can do fine movements, the finger nerves will mature, so that the child can achieve hand eye coordination, wrist rotation, pen writing and painting. These local small movements can be achieved by the child.

When children play with stickers, it is the process of fine movement development.

In particular, some stickers only require children to align with the stickers, so children's fine movements are exercised, and their hands and eyes will be more coordinated in the process of playing with stickers.

Benefit 2: cultivate children's concentration

When children are playing with stickers, parents will find that children are very focused. Because children need to use their brains to think about how they should paste, or even how to layout, where should they paste this? Which one should be posted first?

The child is absorbed in the whole process of playing with the sticker.

At the same time, it will promote the child's brain development.

Concentration is a common skill. Children can't be half hearted when playing games. When it comes to learning, they can suddenly concentrate.

Therefore, it is very important to cultivate children's attention from an early age.

Benefit 3: exercise children's cognition

Especially for young children, the world is unknown to him, but if parents only take their children with map cards, children are easy to feel bored.

But playing with stickers is different. When children start, and some stickers are still controlled by themselves, children will have a more sense of participation and a deeper natural memory.

Stickers can help children enhance their concentration. So give the child space to play with stickers.

Moreover, many children are too busy and boring, so naturally they want to watch TV and play mobile phone games. But children have games that interest him, and children are easy to divert attention, which is also good for children's eyesight. What's more, seeing more electronic products is easy to destroy children's concentration.

In fact, the reason why children like to play with stickers is that the operation difficulty of stickers is relatively small. One tear and paste can be done. Therefore, when playing with stickers, children are more likely to get a sense of achievement.

So when playing with stickers for children, you can choose some educational stickers, which is more scientific, and from easy to difficult, the training and exercise effect of children's thinking, concentration and fine movements will be more obvious.