Adobe Photoshop CS Extended is a significant release that introduced several features and enhancements that are still appreciated by users today. While newer versions of Photoshop offer even more advanced features and capabilities, Photoshop CS6 remains a classic and continues to be used by many users for its reliability and ease of use. Photoshop CS Extended brought robust 3D editing capabilities to the software, allowing users to create, manipulate, and render 3D content directly within Photoshop. Also, this release introduced powerful tools for image analysis and measurement, making it easier for professionals in fields such as science, engineering, and medicine to analyze and work with images. Video Editing: Photoshop CS Extended expanded its capabilities to include basic video editing functionalities, allowing users to perform tasks such as trimming, editing, and adding effects to video clips directly within the software. Enhanced Automation: The release introduced improvements to automation features, such as batch processing and scripting, enabling users to streamline repetitive tasks and increase productivity.

These features and enhancements have had a lasting impact on the way users interact with Photoshop, providing them with powerful tools to enhance their creativity and productivity. Even though newer versions of Photoshop have been released since CS Extended, many users still appreciate and utilize the functionality introduced in this significant release.

Note: This is a full version of the Photoshop CS6. Because is a CD and it can be copied, the return is not acceptable.

Please Read the Terms and Conditions: Before purchasing this software, carefully review the terms and conditions, including the refund policy. It will specify whether or not refunds are allowed and under what circumstances. It's essential to be aware of the refund policy before making a purchase.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me, where I will be very happy to help!

This program is compatible with:

Windows 9, 10, and 11.