Physikalische Therapie Schmerzen lindern Gerät Körper Massager Schlankheitsmitte

Product Parameters

Instrument Name:Mult-dimensional body sculptor

Input power:MAX350W

Package weight:7.3kg

Operation temperature:10℃- + 40℃

Package size:51*49*27cm

Operating principle of instrument

1.Through the thermal current 448 Khz activated cells to generate motion heat energy , promote blood and Iymphatic circulation , can be In order to restore skin elasticity , tighten skin to promote subcutaneous fat , improve cellular tissue , improve body To activate body functions to improve tissue elasticity , promote tissue reconstruction , strengthen veins and fluids Ba Zai reflux beauty and thin body effect .

2.Fixed point constant temperature technology promote the whole body temperature rise.

3.The probe contacts the skin , and heat energy is continuously input

4.All parts of the body produce high heat energy not heat quotient

5.Skin while continuing to care for all parts of the body

6. is safer and ore assured to use hot rather than hot

7.RF emits two types of High Frequency Waves (0.3MHz or 0.5MHz)deep into subcutaneous tissues. Tissue gets vibrating, rubbing against each other, producing biological thermal energy.This thermal energy smoothly elevates the temperature (42°Cto 43°C) for vasodilatation. It recovers modified cellular functions, promotes blood circulation and normalizes biology and hormone balance. lt is also effective in accelerating collagen contraction and regeneration through stimulation of collagen layers.


Reliable temperature control scheme:Built-in precision temperature sensor . double temperature and double control,more reliable

Deep heat conduction:Advanced heat transfer technology heat energy quickly into deeper parts of the heat more lasting

Ceramic conduction headwith metal conduction head:Two kinds of material conduction head for different parts of accurate positioning ,accurate conduction



-Say bye bye to double chin and flabby cheeks

-Tighten the skin

-Accelerate collage regeneration

-Lift up the eye & mouth line


-Eliminate the cellulite

-Promote to resolve the fat

-Lift up and improve the hip & leg shape

-Improve blood circulation

CAP ceramic probe

Utilize CAP to generate thermal energy conduction , and preciselyreach the deep layer of the skin to stimulate the body The ionsachieve the effect of firming the skin , filling wrinkles and re -storing skin elasticity and luster

RES deep thermal conductivity probe

The temperature effect dries the deep tissue of the human body, andtruly realizes the high-efficiency internal heating technology to acceleratethe human blood Circulation, synchronous non-invasive elimination ofsubcutaneous fat and visceral fat for temperature management of thewhole body, Activate cells and improve human immunity. Penetrate subcutaneously 12 cm to the superficial, middle and deep fascialayer bidirectional internal circulation.

Notes :After selecting the operation probe , apply the product on the operation part , and press the operation probe slightly flat Stick to theskin . start to click Startand click Pause after the work isover , and then the head willleave the skin During the operation , theprobe can not stay in the same positionand  itmust be operated by taxi . Energy recommendations from low Slowly increase the gear , keepasking customers about their feelings during operation , and theenergylevel varies from person to person.

JMD massage gun

Use EMS biological current to activate cells , dredge meridians , promoteblood circulation and improve blockage . It is widely used in motor limita -tion , pain during exercise , muscle recruitment , internal epicondylepain , external epicondyle pain , Neck shoulder and back leg pain , plantar fascia pain , heel pain , synovial disease , tendinitis and many other common diseases Spinal curvature correction is the ace technique of fascia nife .

Stainless steel negative electrode patch

Use with facial , body probe , fascia knife . The human body forms anelectric circuit,Metal around silicone rubber wrap , avoid energy focus , heat damageskin design , rest assured.
