1579 GOTHIC Barbarians History Visigoths ROME Vandals RARE Cassiodorus & Isidore


An exceedingly rare 16th-century printing of Visigoth and Ostrogoth history. This impressive Nivelle folio includes writings from 6th-century Roman historians Isidore of Seville and Cassiodorus. Both of these two historians are considered to be two of the most important historians of this era providing context to the reigns of Visigoth kings, the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman world, chronologically listing Goth and Roman rulers,  and most notably the reign of Theodoric the Great and the Ostrogoth Empire.


This impressive, two-work tome features each of Cassiodore’s works including his ‘Septem Disciplinis’ – instructions to his students on the seven disciplines of liberal arts and biblical study including rhetoric, idioms, vocabulary and etymology, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy.


Published in 1579, this book also contains works from lesser-known historians including Jordanes, a 6th-century Gothic historian, Sidonius Apollinaris, and Magnus Felix Ennodius. Truly, an impressive and extensive work of ancient Roman and Gothic history.


Item number: #25441

Price: $1250


PITHOU, Pierre [edit.]


Codicis legvm Wisigothorvm, libri XII : Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi De Gothis, Wandalis, et Svevis historia siue chronichon… Variarum libri XII. De anima liber I. De institutione divinarum scripturarum


Paris: Apud Sebastianum Nivellium, Ciconiis, 1579.


·       Collation: Complete with all pages; 2 works

o   “Isidore” – [8], 244

o   “Cassiodori” – [12], 484; 34 (i.e., 32); 492-516, [44]

§  Imprint, dating is false – this work was published in 1579, same as the Isidore, but incorrectly dated 1589

·       References: USTC 170477 & 170509

·       Language: Latin

·       Binding: Vellum; tight and secure

·       Size: ~14.5in X 9.5in (37cm x 24cm)

·       Very rare and desirable


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