Bio-Life FabriCleanse Anti-Allergen Solution for LAUNDRY 300ml

Denatures and nautralises the Pet Allergens,Dustmite and Pollen Particles that cause Human Allergic Reactions

With Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Not tested on animals

FabriCleanse FabriCleanse is an Allergy UK Award winning additive for laundry & carpet cleaning to denature dustmite,

 pet allergens & molds that cause allergic reactions. 

Based on natural ingredients, it is effective in cool washes and specially recommended for bedding. In carpets, 

it only needs to be used once every 3 months because it prevents re-infestation. 

Avoids using dangerous chemicals that are potentially harmful to allergy sufferers. 


Bio-Life International products are formulated to help reduce the pet, pollen, dust mite and mould particles that cause sneezing, wheezing, asthma, eczema and hives in allergy sufferers. The cleansers for pets, soft furnishings, laundry and carpets are simple and easy to use and are made of carefully selected raw, natural ingredients and are toxin-free, so are safe for even the most sensitive users.

Controls allergens in the air reducing allergen exposure by up to 90%

Relieves the symptoms of dust mite, mold, pet allergies and hay fever - no triggers, no symptoms
Quick, effective relief
Completely safe - no insecticides
For best results use daily during peak pollen season.