!!! sender was killed in action in Kharkow !!!  
Wife had a premonition

ORIGINAL letter, related to german soldier Josef Hirtreiter who was with the Pioneer Battalion 223 of the 223rd Infantry Division

Josef Hirtreiter was killed in action in Kharkov on September 4, 1943

You will receive the following items:

1. Feldpost letter, written by the wife of Josef Hirtreiter

On the envelope is a Dennheritz postmark from September 3, 1943. Her husband died 1 day later. The letter returned to her with the note "Return to sender - Recipeint missing

Paula Hirtreiter wrote the following lines:

Feldpost to Private Josef Hirtreiter, Feldpost # 19175
Sender: Paula Hirtreiter in Dennheritz near Meerane, Saxony

Dennheritz. September 1, 1943
Our dear good Daddy !
After a thunderstorm passed over us on Monday evening, it was very cold all day yesterday with a lot of wind and from time to time it rains. On Monday night there was a major fire in Meeran. I've never seen anything like it. The whole sky was red from 11 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.

When I knew it wasn't in Dennheritz, I went back to bed. Tonight at 12 o'clock there was a heavy air raid alarm. We had calmly gone to bed and did not believe that the enemy planes would come in such a wind. But the wind and the weather don't bother them, they visit us every night and the sky is buzzing.

I couldn't fall asleep for a long time and always had to think about you. I always had strange dreams and saw such sad images in front of me. If only I had a message from you and if I only knew where you are.
So you wait day after day and in vain and we don't even know if you will receive our letters or if you have a new field post number. Our dear dad, the mail has just arrived again but there was nothing for us. My restlessness seizes me.

I have now practiced raking with the boys. The days fly by and I don't know how to manage the work anymore. Yesterday I bought pants for Manfred and had to pay over 9 Reichsmarks. This is soon unbelievable, because how long do these pants fit? It is desperate. In addition, the children are getting bigger from day to day and we will become beggars if this goes on any longer.

In the hope that you are still healthy, greets you warmly in faithful love, your Paula and the children

2. Copy of a transcript by a First Lieutenant of the Pioneer Battalion 223

The text reads:

Bormann, First Lieutenant and Chief of the Company, Feldpost # 19175
15. October 1943
Dear Mrs Hirtreiter !
I have the heavy duty to inform you now that your husband died a hero's death for the Führer and the people on September 4, 1943.

Please accept from the bottom of my heart my condolences on this heavy loss. I can give you the comforting assurance that it was a quick death. A serious wound to the head tore him from our ranks. He had been wounded before, but only slightly, and was fatally wounded while bandaging.

I first received this report from the comrade who had bandaged your husband and was wounded himself. So it happened that your husband was initially considered missing. An attempt to rescue him was no longer possible due to the heavy shelling and so it had to be abandoned with a heavy heart.

We wish you, Mrs. Hirtreiter, that you remain brave and strong despite this heavy loss. Your husband will also remain in good memory with us. Be assured of our constant helpfulness and accept all good wishes for you and your children, your devoted E. Bormann

The correctness and completeness of the above transcription of the original is attested in Dennheritz on November 1, 1943. Signed Vogel, Mayor

!!! I combine shipping !!!