This cover is a really neat, uncommon piece of Haitian, air mail postal history! It was sent on August 9, 1927(inverted year!), from Cap Haitien(nice CDS cancels!), Haiti, to Port Au Prince, Haiti(a great receiving CDS from the U.S.-controlled P.O. in Port Au Prince!)! 

To continue, as for the orange and black, 50-Centimes De Gourde, Haitian issue, it's in fine condition! The blue, air mail cachet of an airplane applied to the stamp is pretty nice. 

Lastly, as for the envelope, itself, it's in pretty good condition for something almost 97 years old. It does have some stains on either side. The envelope was reduced quite a bit a the left side when the mail was opened. The back flap is about 85-90% intact. Noted imperfections aside, this remains a relatively rare piece of Haitian air mail postal history!