40 Years of Scream!

The Archival Collection
Author(s): Simon Furman, John Wagner, Alan Grant, Alan Moore, Jesus Redondo, Cam Kennedy, Jose Ortiz, Brendan McCarthy, Gerry Finley-Day, Eric Bradbury
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Rebellion Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom
Imprint: Rebellion Publishing Ltd.
ISBN-13: 9781837861071, 978-1837861071



Celebrating 40 years since IPC launched the UK's most iconic 'horror' anthology, this single volume collects all of the strips included in the 15-issue run of Scream!

Produced 'from the depths' of King's Reach Tower by the mysterious 'undead' editor Ghastly McNasty, the first issue of Scream! was unleashed on 24th March 1984. More tongue-in-cheek than horrific, the comic was an immediate hit with younger fans as it included a pair of fake vampire fangs attached to the cover and a number of fantastic new strips from such talents as Alan Moore, John Wagner, Jose Ortiz, Cam Kennedy, Tom Tully, Alan Grant and Eric Bradbury.