Fascinating Ward Lock "Red" travel guide, dating from 1933/34.  9th edition revised.  Full of contemporary photographs and advertisements

These guides are increasingly becoming collectors' items. (See my Ward Lock Red Guides website  for more information about the series.)

Area covered :   Edinburgh and district, including Roslin, the Forth Bridge, Melrose, Abbotsford, Linlithgow, Stirling and surrounding areas. 

Overall condition :    Very good / Excellent.

Maps :  Excellent.   All the maps and plans remain in place.    Very little wear.    No markings or damage, apart from a neat repair to a tiny tear to the first map.

Covers :   Very good.   Very little wear.  Slight fading to black design.  No markings or damage.

Spine :   Very good.  Normal wear.   No markings or damage.

Binding :   Excellent.

Pages :    Excellent.   Very little wear.   Faint discolouration at edges.   No markings or damage.

Other :  

Please see my many other current listings of collectable UK and other travel guides.

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