Age of Sigmar: Stormdrake Guard  Knight Draconis - Expertly painted GW  AoS - Warhammer. The miniature is as epic as it gets.A dragon rider knight ,on a flying dragon ,wielding a flaming weapon..So we took it upon ourselves to make something of the simple base worthy to compelte the scene..So whats better than a lonely shrine,fallen warriors and sheidls surrounding it ,as they mounted a valiant defense,and our flying duo storming above to bolster the failing defenses of the holy place..And here we are!! At the same time,the fallen stormcast eternal serves as a size reference,something we really like to do on all gw big miniatures...The most epic gift you can give ever!.A transparent overcoat was used to protect the miniature whilst wargaming.Great gift for every fan not only of Age of Sigmar,but of epic figures regardless of origin and lore! The miniature ,as shown in the fotos,is not glued on the base,for ease of transport.It clicks firmly however,due to the good design of the stand.Will be shipped in a box within a box system and excessive bubblewrap ,ofcourse tracked and signed where available for safe and quick transport
"Knights-Draconis are the highest ranking officers of the Stormdrake Guard and only answer to the Lord-Commander, the drake-lords Krondys and Karazai and Sigmar himself. Each is tasked with carving out territory not only for Sigmar's people but also for the Draconith. Outside of battle they dwell in the cavernous lairs of their mounts studying the arcane arts of the draconith or training for battle, surrounded trophies taken from hundreds of foes. When they enter the battle they come with furious roars and great gusts of wind as furious firestorms are unleashed upon the battlefield."