Stamp Cover :  Thai Rice Postage Stamps

Date of issue   :        25  February 1999

Purpose          :       To promote the worldwide quality of Thai Rice.

Designs           :      Illustrate a seasonal cycle of rice production by the Thai farmers and the "Thailand Best" Logo .

                             Recent archaeological findings has discovered that rice has been cultivated in the area which is present

                             day Thailand for more than 5,500 years. Rice growing plays an important role in Thai culture. There exist 

                             rituals for almost every step of rice growing. e.g. the annual Royal Ploughing Ceremony. The rain Supplicating 

                             Rice to plead with Rain God for water, the communal cooperative labour for paddy harvesting. etc. The                                           reputation of Thai rice has been recognized worldwide for a long time.

                             6.00 Baht :  Illustrates a bunch of paddy sprouts with the rice planting shown in back ground.

                             6.00 Baht :  Illustrates an ear of paddy with rice harvesting shown in the background.

                             12.00 Baht : Illustrates paddy with the paddy threshing machine shown in the background.

                             12.00 Baht : Illustrates cooked whole grain rice in a Bencharong ware covered bowl. 

Printer            :      The British Security Printing Public Company.