Official Army Register for 1860

Author: [United States Army]
Title: Official Army Register for 1860
Publication: Washington DC: Adjutant General's Office, [1859]
Edition: First Edition

Description: Published by Order of the Secretary of War, In Compliance with the Resolution of the Senate, of December 13, 1815, and Resolutions of the House of Representatives, Dated January 29, 1830, and August 30, 1842. Wraps. Octavo. 60 pages. Original wraps rebound into later brown cloth hardcover. Stiff blue green end sheets used front and back. Original outer covers removed. Title is on page 1. Interior contents in very good condition.

Register includes General Officers; Quartermaster's Department; Subsistence Departmen; Medical Department; Pay Department; Corps of Engineers; Corps of Topographical Engineers; Ordinance Department; First Regiment of Dragoons; First Regiment of Cavalry; Second Regiment of Cavalry; Regiment of Mounted Riflemen; First -Fourth Regiment of Artillery; First-Tenth Regiment of Infantry; and more.

List of officers named inside include Major General Winfield Scott, Robert E. Lee, Joseph Johnston, George Meade, John B. Hood, Joseph Wheeler, George Thomas, William Hardee, Albert Johnston, Marcus Reno, Randolph Marcy, Howard Stansbury, Henry H. Sibley, John Sedgwick, James E. B. Stuart, Kirby Smith, Nathaniel Lyon, George Crook, John Pope, James B. Mcpherson, Phil Sheridan, Winfield S. Hancock, Stephen Long and hundreds more. Tipped in between pages 46 and 47 is a single page, hand written receipt. An alphabetical register is located in back. Good.

Seller ID: 31613

Subject: Genealogy, Military & War

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