This beautiful piece of art features a small, pink background bird painted in oil on a piece of driftwood by artist Nataliya Derevyanko. The painting measures 4 inches by 4 inches and unframed and signed with a certificate of authenticity. The bird is depicted in a realistic yet impressionistic style, with intricate details and brushstrokes that capture the essence of its subject. This one-of-a-kind artwork is a perfect addition to any art collection and will remind you of the beauty of nature every time you look at it.
✅ AUTHOR: Nataliya Derevyanko.
✅ TITLE: I hope it's okay if I love you forever.
✅ MEDIUM: Oil on hard thick panel.
✅ SIZE: 10 x 10 cm / 4 x 4 inch.
✅ YEAR: 2024.