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All Naturally-Scented

"Cozy Christmas Cabin" Blend

Room & Linen Spray




- Hand-Crafted by an RN -

"The Pillow, Room & Linen Spray with the Pretty Girl on the Front!"


                             Rejuvenelle Pillow, Room & Linen Spray is just what is says! It is a wonderfully aromatic essential oil blend 

called "Christmas Treasures"which includes: Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Ginger oils, & hints of Vanilla, 

                                          Sweet Chocolate, & Spearmint oils, as well as Scotch Pine & Cypress Oils, and 

                                 Hints of Frankincense & Myrrh. This blend is completed with a subtle hint of Campfire. This

                       natural blend is very pleasant, yet not overwhelming. This special oil blend scent exudes peace and calm, and the hint of 

                                              Spearmint oil mildly clears the nasal passages and allows the mind to focus on falling asleep.

                           As a Room, Pillow & Linen spray, you can spritz it on pillowcases, sheets, & towels, and of course, in the air. It will

                         relax you, promote restful sleep and bring peaceful dreams. Go ahead and spray it into the room air as an air freshener. 

                     You may even spray it on your body as you would a toilette spray, or freshen your hair with it. Create the ambiance you like 

                                                                            in your home as you see fit, with this gentle aroma.

                                            You can use these Linen, Room, and Body sprays almost anywhere! Spritz sheets, 

                     pillows and curtains, couches, chairs, carpets, even the dogs bed. Use it for linen closets, towel shelves, 

             and blanket chests. Works great in the car for those left over fast food smells and take your pet to the park moments.

                         Use Linen sprays in coat closets and bedroom closets to refresh clothing, Essential oils like Lavender 

                    are nice for cribs and children's bedding to help with stress relief and peaceful slumber (not to mention the 

                                                                                  unattractive diaper pail smell).

          My friend used one of her Citrus Sprays on her clothing right before ironing. Its a great way to get her motivated for her 
                          work day.
 A little goes a long way and you should always test a small inconspicuous area of fabrics first.

                         Rejuvenelle USA has created this delightful spray with care. We only use the finest therapeutic grade oils.


Extra Large Plastic Bottle with Spray Top Atomizer

*** Feel Free to Contact me for Rejuvenelle Quantity Discounts ***



Choose my other Rejuvenelle formulas that may fit your issues: (just check my other auctions):


  • Rejuvenelle Luxurious Natural Essential Oils Conditioner: For Normal Hair, Scalp, & Skin
  • Rejuvenelle Luxurious Natural Natural Essential Oils Conditioner: For Dry/Damaged Hair, Scalp, & Skin
  • Rejuvenelle Luxurious Natural Essential Oils Conditioner: Oily/Dandruff Hair, Scalp, & Skin
  • Rejuvenelle "Back-to-Basics" Natural Essential Oils Conditioner (For Hair Regrowth Only)
  • Rejuva-Neem "Back-to-Basics" Natural Essential Oils Conditioner with Neem (For Hair Regrowth Only)
  • Rejuvenelle ACV Natural Stimulating Hair & Scalp Cleanser
  • Rejuva-Neem ACV Natural Stimulating Hair & Scalp Cleanser
  • Rejuvenelle Hair & Scalp Natural Aloe Vera & Coconut Revitalizing Shampoo with Essential Oils
  • Rejuvenelle Hair & Scalp Natural Aloe Vera & Coconut Revitalizing Conditioner with Essential Oils
  • Rejuva-Neem Hair & Scalp Natural Aloe Vera & Coconut Revitalizing Shampoo with Essential Oils
  • Rejuva-Neem Hair & Scalp Natural Aloe Vera & Coconut Revitalizing Conditioner with Essential oils

  • Plus my Variety of Rejuvenelle Essential Oil-Scented Room & Linen Sprays!

And Best of All -- all my Products are Organic!!!

NOTE: INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: We Do Not Ship to Any Country that Does Not Use USPS Tracking. If you Purchase from Us

from one of these Countries, Your Order will be Cancelled, and your Money will be Returned.

- Please See My Other Auctions! -

Good Luck!


(PLEASE NOTE: This Extensive Return and/or Exchange Policy listed in this Auction has been created by this Seller to Protect said Seller against False, Fraudulent, or Improper Claims made by a Buyer; IN NO CASE, should an honest Buyer, who can properly understand standard Buying & Selling etiquette, be overly concerned about the language in the Policy as stated below. It is simply expressly stating an already well-known, tried and true way to run a merchandise business in the USA; unfortunately, there a few unsavory Buyers out there who choose to operate between the 'Rules', and that we simply will not tolerate. - Thank you for your Understanding.)