Piano Essentials

Scales Chords Arpeggios and Cadences for the Contemporary Pianist

Condition: New - Unused - Unopened
Authorized Dealer: Musical Progressions
Publisher: Berklee Press
Author: Ross Ramsay
Pages: 112
Learn piano basics, as required of every piano major at Berklee College of Music. The exercises featured in this book will help you improve your sight-reading skills, and memorize new material in less time and with more confidence. Scales, chords, arpeggios, and cadences will improve your tone, dynamic range, and sense of rhythm. You will become more comfortable with fingerings, develop speed and agility on the keyboard, and will build a foundation for further study.

Size: 12in x 9in

ISBN: 9780876390498

UPC: 73999267198

Inventory#: 050448046