A comedy about a conservative Southern mom who is horrified to discover that her only son is gay.  But determined that he won't go through life alone, she sets out to find him the perfect husband.

Winner of fourteen film festival awards!

Check out the trailer at https://youtu.be/once8DOo71A

The DVD includes deleted scenes, cast commentary with the two lead actors, director's commentary, three short gay films, and a "Gratuitous GoGo Boy Montage". It also includes English language closed captioning, as well as subtitles in Spanish, French, German, Japanese, and Russian. The DVD is region 0, so it will play anywhere in the world.

Editorial Reviews:

“I have never seen another movie in this budget range that is nearly this good.”

“This is the best gay comedy I’ve seen in years.

“I haven’t laughed out loud this much at a film in years.
--Gay Marriage Watch

“Absolutely in the same league as many blockbuster movies and this film didn’t have a million dollar budget or a big film studio supporting it. You Should Meet My Son! is one of the most hilarious gay themed comedies we have seen in years!”