
Pack of 30 viable seeds of Mimosa pudica (Sensitive plant) – with full instructions for germination

Native to tropical South and Central America, the species is popular as a house plant throughout the world for its amazing ability to move by itself.  The leaves are sensitive to heat and touch, which quickly close up by themselves when touched by your finger, eventually slowly re-opening!  See the video:

This 'rapid plant movement' is thought to be a protective mechanism to deter herbivores or insects from eating the leaves, and on sensing heat, plant chemicals are released which changes the movement of water within its cells, causing the leaves to close quickly

Produces beautiful bright pink flowers, reminiscent of fiber optic lights!

Growing Details

Height: Up to 50cm in height

Plant type: Tropical house plant

Hardiness: Frost tender; ideal as a house plant

Sun Exposure: Full sun to partial shade

Watering: Only water when compost has started to dry within the top inch; free-draining soils are best

Propagation methods: From seed

Warning: Can be poisonous if eaten by humans or pets, and the stems have prickles


Shipping Policy (outside of the UK)  —  Please Read


It is always wise to research the import regulations of seeds for your particular country to ensure successful shipment and avoid disappointments.

Please be aware that your Country may impose tariffs and you may have to pay Customs Duty/Tax before your Government will release your package; please research prior to placing an order.

We cannot be held responsible for any Customs Duties/Tax that may be applied by your respective Government upon arrival into your country.

We are not responsible for knowing every country’s import regulations — and although we try our best to stay up-to-date, it is always the Customer's responsibility to research this information prior to ordering with us.