Item: i45807

Authentic Ancient Roman Coin of:

<="" font="" color="#000000"> Maximian 'Herculius' - Roman Emperor : 285-305, 306-308 & 310 A.D. -  
Bronze Half Follis 22mm (2.58 grams) Alexandria mint, circa 308 A.D.
Reference: RIC 91b
DN MAXIMIANO FELICISS, Laureate bust right, wearing imperial mantle, holding branch and mappa.
PROVIDENTIA DEORVM Exe: ALE, Providentia standing right on left, raising hand, facing Quies on right, holding branch and scepter.

* Rare type of the Half Follis Denomination.

You are bidding on the exact item pictured, provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of Authenticity.

In Roman mythology , Providentia was the goddess of forethought. Providentia.    (Providence).----With all their vices, follies, and gross superstitions (indeed, in spite of them), the Romans still appear to have cherished a belief in the perpetual and direct interposition of the gods with respect to human affairs.----Among the various monuments which attest this religious feeling, or at leas this profession of religion, on the part of both princes and people, none are more conspicuous than those to be found on their imperial coins, for it is to be observed that previous to the substitution of the monarchical for the republican form of government, that allegorical divinity whose name is derived from providere (to foresee) is not seen either on metal or on marble.In ancient Roman religion , Providentia is a divine personification of the ability to foresee and make provision. She was among the embodiments of virtues that were part of the Imperial cult of ancient Rome .Providentia thus figures in art , cult, and literature , but has little or no mythology as such.

Providentia was an important moral and philosophical abstraction in Roman discourse. Cicero says it is one of the three main components of prudentia, "the knowledge of things that are good or bad or neither," along with memoria, "memory," and intellegentia, "understanding." The Latin word is the origin of the Christian concept of divine providence .

Imperial cult

Upon the death of Augustus , the emperor Tiberius established an altar to Providentia Augusta in recognition of "the godhead manifested in his father's provisions for the Roman state ." The cult title Augusta was attached also to such goddesses as Pax , Justitia , and Concordia during the Imperial era . Traditional epithets invoked a deity within a specific functional sphere by declaring their power. The title Augusta thus fixed the divinity's force within the sphere of the emperor as Augustus.

In 28 AD, after Tiberius arrested and executed Sejanus for conspiracy, the Cult of Virtues played a role in the propaganda that presented the restoration of Imperial order as a return to constitutional government. Sacrifices were offered to Providentia along with Salus ("Security"), Libertas ("Liberty"), and the Genius . Providentia at this time also received a permanent full-time priest (sacerdos) devoted to her. In the wake of the Pisonian conspiracy against Nero, religious observances in 59 AD to repair the state included sacrifices by the Arval Brethren to various deities, among them Providentia.

Providentia appeared on Roman coins issued under Vespasian , Trajan , Hadrian , Antoninus Pius , Septimius Severus , Commodus and Diocletian . A coin issued by Titus depicted his deified father Vespasian handing a globe to his son as his successor, with the legend Providentia Augusta. Coins issued by Nerva depicted the Genius of the Senate handing the globe to the new emperor, with the legend Providentia Senatus, "the Providence of the Senate."

Providentia in numismatics

The figure of Providentia from a sculpture group in Vienna, as depicted on an Austrian 100-euro gold coin

Providentia has been the main motif for many collector coins and medals, the most recent one is the famous 100 euro Sculpture Gold coin issued on November 13, 2002. The reverse features the Providentia Fountain (“Provendentia Brunnen”) in central Vienna, work of one of the greatest baroque sculptor Georg Rafael Donner . In the centre of the coin, the allegorical figure of Providentia with a medallion of the Roman god, Janus , who had two faces, is displayed. Surrounding the fountain there are other symbolic figures representing tributary rivers of the Danube . Providentia is enthroned high above the figure of an old man representing the Enns River .

Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in April 331 BC as Ἀλεξάνδρεια (Alexándreia). Alexander's chief architect for the project was Dinocrates . Alexandria was intended to supersede Naucratis as a Hellenistic center in Egypt, and to be the link between Greece and the rich Nile Valley. An Egyptian city, Rhakotis , already existed on the shore, and later gave its name to Alexandria in the Egyptian language (Egyptian *Raˁ-Ḳāṭit, written rˁ-ḳṭy.t, 'That which is built up'). It continued to exist as the Egyptian quarter of the city. A few months after the foundation, Alexander left Egypt and never returned to his city. After Alexander's departure, his viceroy, Cleomenes , continued the expansion. Following a struggle with the other successors of Alexander, his general Ptolemy succeeded in bringing Alexander's body to Alexandria.

Alexandria, sphinx made of pink granite , Ptolemaic .

Although Cleomenes was mainly in charge of overseeing Alexandria's continuous development, the Heptastadion and the mainland quarters seem to have been primarily Ptolemaic work. Inheriting the trade of ruined Tyre and becoming the centre of the new commerce between Europe and the Arabian and Indian East, the city grew in less than a generation to be larger than Carthage . In a century, Alexandria had become the largest city in the world and, for some centuries more, was second only to Rome. It became Egypt's main Greek city, with Greek people from diverse backgrounds.

Alexandria was not only a centre of Hellenism , but was also home to the largest Jewish community in the world. The Septuagint , a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible , was produced there. The early Ptolemies kept it in order and fostered the development of its museum into the leading Hellenistic center of learning (Library of Alexandria), but were careful to maintain the distinction of its population's three largest ethnicities: Greek, Jewish, and Egyptian . From this division arose much of the later turbulence, which began to manifest itself under Ptolemy Philopater who reigned from 221–204 BC. The reign of Ptolemy VIII Physcon from 144–116 BC was marked by purges and civil warfare.

The city passed formally under Roman jurisdiction in 80 BC, according to the will of Ptolemy Alexander , but only after it had been under Roman influence for more than a hundred years. It was captured by Julius Caesar in 47 BC during a Roman intervention in the domestic civil war between king Ptolemy XIII and his advisers, and the fabled queen Cleopatra VII . It was finally captured by Octavian , future emperor Augustus on 1 August 30 BC, with the name of the month later being changed to August to commemorate his victory.

In AD 115, large parts of Alexandria were destroyed during the Kitos War , which gave Hadrian and his architect, Decriannus , an opportunity to rebuild it. In 215, the emperor Caracalla visited the city and, because of some insulting satires that the inhabitants had directed at him, abruptly commanded his troops to put to death all youths capable of bearing arms. On 21 July 365, Alexandria was devastated by a tsunami (365 Crete earthquake), an event still annually commemorated 17 hundred years later as a "day of horror." In the late 4th century, persecution of pagans by newly Christian Romans had reached new levels of intensity. In 391, the Patriarch Theophilus destroyed all pagan temples in Alexandria under orders from Emperor Theodosius I . The Brucheum and Jewish quarters were desolate in the 5th century. On the mainland, life seemed to have centred in the vicinity of the Serapeum and Caesareum , both of which became Christian churches . The Pharos and Heptastadium quarters, however, remained populous and were left intact.

In 619, Alexandria fell to the Sassanid Persians . Although the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius recovered it in 629, in 641 the Arabs under the general Amr ibn al-As captured it during the Muslim conquest of Egypt , after a siege that lasted 14 months.

Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus Herculius (c. 250 – c. July 310), commonly referred to as Maximian, was Caesar (junior Roman Emperor ) from July 285 and Augustus (senior Roman Emperor) from April 1, 286 to Toulouse - Musée Saint-Raymond - Maximien Hercule1.jpg May 1, 305. He shared the latter title with his co-emperor and superior, Diocletian , whose political brain complemented Maximian's military brawn. Maximian established his residence at Trier but spent most of his time on campaign. In the late summer of 285, he suppressed rebels in Gaul known as the Bagaudae . From 285 to 288, he fought against Germanic tribes along the Rhine frontier. Together with Diocletian, he ran a scorched earth campaign deep into the territory of the Alamanni tribes in 288, temporarily relieving the Rhenish provinces from the threat of Germanic invasion.

The man he appointed to police the Channel shores, Carausius , rebelled in 286, causing the secession of Britain and northwestern Gaul. Maximian failed to oust Carausius, and his invasion fleet was destroyed by storms in 289 or 290. Maximan's subordinate, Constantius , campaigned against Carausius' successor, Allectus , while Maximian held the Rhenish frontier. The rebel leader was ousted in 296, and Maximian moved south to combat Moorish pirates in Iberia and Berber incursions in Mauretania . When these campaigns concluded in 298, he departed for Italy, where he lived in comfort until 305. At Diocletian's behest, Maximian abdicated on May 1, 305, gave the Augustan office to Constantius, and retired to southern Italy.

In late 306, Maximian took the title of Augustus again and aided his son Maxentius ' rebellion in Italy. In April 307, he attempted to depose his son, but failed and fled to the court of Constantius' successor, Constantine , in Trier. At the Council of Carnuntum in November 308, Diocletian and his successor, Galerius , forced Maximian to renounce his imperial claim again. In early 310, Maximian attempted to seize Constantine's title while the emperor was on campaign on the Rhine. Few supported him, and he was captured by Constantine in Marseille. Maximian committed suicide in the summer of 310 on Constantine's orders. During Constantine's war with Maxentius, Maximian's image was purged from all public places. However, after Constantine ousted and killed Maxentius, Maximian's image was rehabilitated, and he was deified.

One of the members of the Tetrarchy, Maximianus had a convoluted reign that started when he and Diocletian began ruling as equals in 286. Maximianus was in charge of the western portion of the empire along with Constantius I, his junior in command, while Diocletian and Galerius ruled the eastern half. After several years of putting down revolts and usurpers, both he and Diocletian abdicated to let their Caesars take their place in 306. However, this peaceful arrangement would come to an end soon when Maximianus's son Maxentius initiated a revolt of his own. Seeing that it would lend an air of legitimacy to his claims, Maxentius requested his father to return to assume the high post along with him. Maximianus, although possibly reluctant initially, took up his son's offer. He had abdicated less than voluntarily under Diocletian's scheme and now he was caught up in the fervor of Maxentius's drive to become sole ruler. In time, Maxentius met with failure after he lost several key battles to Constantine and Maximianus found himself in the awkward position of being an emperor with no rightful claim nor army willing to proceed with his agenda. Increasingly isolated, Constantine cornered him and he was either executed or committed suicide.

The Principate

 Julio-Claudian dynasty




16 January 27 BC to 19 August AD 14



19 August 14 to 16 March 37



18 March 37 to 24 January 41


Murdered by Praetorian Guard

24 January 41 to 13 October 54


Poisoned by his wife Agrippina, mother of Nero

13 October 54 to 11 June 68


Made a slave kill him

 Year of the Four Emperors (Civil War)




8 June 68 to 15 January 69


Murdered in favour of Otho

15 January 69 to 16 April 69


Committed suicide

2 January 69 to 20 December 69


Murdered in favour of Vespasian

 Flavian dynasty




1 July 69 to 24 June 79



24 June 79 to 13 September 81


Possibly assassinated by Domitian

14 September 81 to 18 September 96



 Nervan-Antonian dynasty

Main article: Five Good Emperors




18 September 96 to 27 January 98


Proclaimed emperor by senate

28 January 98 to 7 August 117



11 August 117 to 10 July 138



10 July 138 to 7 March 161

Antoninus Pius


7 March 161 to 17 March 180

Marcus Aurelius


7 March 161 to March 169

Lucius Verus

Co-emperor with Marcus Aurelius


Avidius Cassius

Usurper; ruled in Egypt and Syria; murdered by his own army

177 to 31 December 192



 Year of the Five Emperors & Severan dynasty




1 January 193 to 28 March 193


Proclaimed emperor by senate; murdered by Praetorian Guard

28 March 193 to 1 June 193

Didius Julianus

Proclaimed emperor by Praetorian Guard; executed on orders of the Senate

9 April 193 to 4 February 211

Septimius Severus

Proclaimed emperor by Pannonian troops; accepted by senate

193 to 194/195

Pescennius Niger

Proclaimed emperor by Syrian troops, defeated in battle by Septimius Severus

193/195 to 197

Clodius Albinus

Proclaimed emperor by British troops, defeated in battle by Septimius Severus

198 to 8 April 217


Assassinated at the behest of Macrinus

209 to 4 February 211


Co-emperor with Caracalla ; assassinated on orders of Caracalla

11 April 217 to June 218


Proclaimed himself emperor; executed on orders of Elagabalus

May 217 to June 218


Junior co-emperor under Macrinus ; executed

June 218 to 222


Proclaimed emperor by army; murdered by his own troops

13 March 222 to ?March 235

Alexander Severus

Murdered by his own troops

 Rulers during the Crisis of the Third Century




February/March 235 to March/April 238

Maximinus Thrax

Proclaimed emperor by the army; murdered by Praetorian Guard

earlyJanuary/March 238 to lateJanuary/April 238

Gordian I

Proclaimed emperor in Africa; committed suicide after Gordian II 's death

earlyJanuary March 238 to lateJanuary/April 238

Gordian II

Proclaimed emperor with Gordian I , killed in battle

earlyFebruary 238 to earlyMay 238


Proclaimed joint emperor by senate; murdered by Praetorian Guard

earlyFebruary 238 to earlyMay 238


Proclaimed joint emperor by senate; murdered by Praetorian Guard

May 238 to February 244

Gordian III

Nephew of Gordian II ; death unclear, probably murdered



Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor; defeated in battle

February 244 to September/October 249

Philip the Arab

Proclaimed emperor after death of Gordian III ; killed in battle by Decius



Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor; murdered by his own soldiers

248 to 249


Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor in the east; murdered by his own soldiers

248? or 253?


Usurper; details essentially unknown

249 to June 251


Killed in battle

249 to 252


Proclaimed himself emperor in the east in opposition to Decius

250 to 250


Usurper; proclaimed emperor in Rome; rebellion suppressed

early251 to June 251

Herennius Etruscus

Junior co-emperor under Decius ; killed in battle



Son of Decius ; died of plague

June 251 to August 253


Proclaimed emperor by his troops after Decius's death; murdered by them in favour of Aemilianus

July 251 to August 253


Junior co-emperor under Gallus ; murdered by army

August 253 to October 253


Proclaimed emperor by his troops; murdered by them in favour of Valerian

253 to June 260


Proclaimed emperor by his troops; captured in battle by the Persians ; died in captivity

253 to September 268


Junior co-emperor under Valerian to 260; probably murdered by his generals



Son of Gallienus ; proclaimed emperor by army; murdered shortly after by troops of Postumus

June 260 (or 258)


Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor after Valerian 's capture; defeated in battle



Usurper; proclaimed emperor after Ingenuus 's defeat; fate unclear

260 to 261

Macrianus Major

Usurper; proclaimed emperor by eastern army; defeated and killed in battle

260 to 261

Macrianus Minor

Usurper; son of Macrianus Major ; defeated and killed in battle

260 to 261


Usurper; son of Macrianus Major ; defeated and killed in battle

261 to 261 or 262

Mussius Aemilianus

Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor after the defeat of the Macriani; defeated and executed

268 to 268


Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor after Gallienus 's death; surrendered to Claudius II Gothicus ; murdered by Praetorian Guard

268 to August 270

Claudius II Gothicus

Proclaimed emperor by the army

August 270 to September 270


Proclaimed himself emperor; cause of death unclear

August 270 to 275


Proclaimed emperor by army; murdered by the Praetorian Guard

271 to 271


Usurper; proclaimed emperor in Dalmatia ; killed by his own soldiers

November/December 275 to July 276


Appointed emperor by the Senate; possibly assassinated

July 276 to September 276


Brother of Tacitus , proclaimed emperor by the western army; murdered by his troops

July 276 to lateSeptember 282


Proclaimed emperor by the eastern army; murdered by his own soldiers in favour of Carus


Julius Saturninus

Usurper; proclaimed emperor by his troops; then killed by them



Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor at the request of the people of Lugdunum ; executed by Probus



Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor; defeated by Probus and committed suicide

September 282 to July/August 283


Proclaimed emperor by Praetorian guard

spring 283 to summer 285


Son of Carus; co-emperor with Numerian ; fate unclear

July/August 283 to November 284


Son of Carus; co-emperor with Carinus ; probably murdered

 Gallic Empire 260 to 274




260 to 268


Declared himself emperor after Valerian 's death; killed by his own troops

268 to 268


Proclaimed himself emperor in opposition to Postumus; defeated and killed by Postumus

269 to 269


Proclaimed himself emperor after Postumus's death

269 to 271


Proclaimed emperor after Marius's death

270 to 271


Proclaimed himself emperor of the Gallic Empire

271 to 274

Tetricus I

Nominated heir to Victorinus

 Britannic Empire 286 to 297




286 to 293


Declared himself emperor; assassinated by Allectus

293 to 297


Declared himself emperor after Carausius 's death; defeated by Constantius Chlorus


 Tetrarchy and Constantinian dynasty




20 November 284 to 1 May 305


Declared emperor by the army after Numerian's death; Abdicated

1 April 286 to 1 May 305


Made co-emperor ('Augustus') with Diocletian ; abdicated

1 May 305 to 25 July 306

Constantius I Chlorus

Made junior co-emperor ('Caesar') under Maximian ; became Augustus after his abdication

1 May 305 to May 311


Made junior co-emperor ('Caesar') under Diocletian ; became Augustus after his abdication

August 306 to 16 September 307

Severus II

Made junior co-emperor ('Caesar') under Constantius Chlorus ; became Augustus after his death; executed by Maxentius

28 October 306 to 28 October 312


Son of Maximian ; proclaimed Augustus by Praetorian Guard ; defeated in battle by Constantine I

de jure: 307, de facto 312 to 22 May 337

Constantine I

Son of Constantius Chlorus ; proclaimed Augustus by army

308 -309?/311?

Domitius Alexander

Proclaimed emperor in Africa; defeated in battle by Maxentius

11 November 308 to 18 September 324


Appointed Augustus by Galerius ; deposed by Constantine I and executed

1 May 311 to July/August 313

Maximinus Daia

Made junior co-emperor ('Caesar') under Galerius ; became Augustus after his death; defeated in battle by Licinius and committed suicide

December 316 to 1 March 317

Valerius Valens

Appointed co-Augustus by Licinius ; executed by Licinius

July to 18 September 324


Appointed co-Augustus by Licinius ; deposed by Constantine I and executed

337 to 340

Constantine II

Son of Constantine I ; co-emperor with his brothers; killed in battle

337 to 361

Constantius II

Son of Constantine I ; co-emperor with his brothers

337 to 350

Constans I

Son of Constantine I ; co-emperor with his brothers, killed by Magnentius

January 350 to 11 August 353


Usurper; proclaimed emperor by the army; defeated by Constantius II and committed suicide

c. 350


Proclaimed himself emperor against Magnentius ; recognized by Constantius II but then deposed

c. 350


Proclaimed himself emperor against Magnentius , defeated and executed by Magnentius

November 361 to June 363


Cousin of Constantius II ; made Caesar by Constantius, then proclaimed Augustus by the army; killed in battle

363 to 17 February 364


Proclaimed emperor by the army after Julian 's death

 Valentinian dynasty




26 February 364 to 17 November 375

Valentinian I

Valentinian I Coins.htm

Proclaimed emperor by the army after Jovian 's death

28 March 365 to 9 August 378


Made co-emperor in the east by his brother Valentinian I ; killed in battle

September 365 to 27 May 366


Usurper; Proclaimed himself emperor; defeated and executed by Valens

24 August 367 to 383


Gratian Coins.htm

Son of Valentinian I ; assassinated

375 to 392

Valentinian II

Valentinian II Coins.htm

Son of Valentinian I ; deposed by Arbogast and died in suspicious circumstances

383 to 388

Magnus Maximus

Magnus Maximus Coins.htm

Usurper; proclaimed emperor by troops; at one time recognized by Theodosius I , but then deposed and executed

c.386 to 388

Flavius Victor

Flavius Victor Coins.htm

Son of Magnus Maximus, executed on orders of Theodosius I

392 to 394


Eugenius Coins.htm

Usurper; proclaimed emperor by army under Arbogast ; defeated in battle by Theodosius I

 Theodosian dynasty




379 to 17 January 395

Theodosius I

Theodosius I Coins.htm

Made co-emperor for the east by Gratian

383 to 408


Arcadius Coins.htm

Appointed co-emperor with his father Theodosius I ; sole emperor for the east from January 395

23 January 393 to 15 August 423


Honorius Coins.htm

Appointed Augustus for the west by his father Theodosius I

407 to 411

Constantine III

Constantine III Coins.htm

Usurper; proclaimed emperor in Britain; defeated by Constantius III

409 to 411

Constans II

Constans II Coins.htm

Usurper; made emperor by his father Constantine III ; killed in battle

409 and 414 to 415

Priscus Attalus

Priscus Attalus Coins.htm

Usurper; twice proclaimed emperor by Visigoths under Alaric and twice deposed by Honorius

409 to 411


Maximus Coins.htm

Usurper; proclaimed emperor in Spain; abdicated

411 to 413


Jovinus Coins.htm

Usurper; proclaimed emperor after Constantine III 's death, executed by Honorius

412 to 413


Sebastianus Coins.htm

Usurper; appointed co-emperor by Jovinus , executed by Honorius

408 to 450

Theodosius II

Theodosius II Coins.htm

Son of Arcadius

421 to 421

Constantius III

Constantius III Coins.htm

Son-in-law of Theodosius I ; appointed co-emperor by Honorius

423 to 425


Johannes Coins.htm

Proclaimed western emperor, initially undisputed; defeated and executed by Theodosius II in favour of Valentinian III

425 to 16 March 455

Valentinian III

Valentinian III Coins.htm

Son of Constantius III ; appointed emperor by Theodosius II ; assassinated

 Western Roman Empire




17 March 455 to 31 May 455

Petronius Maximus

Petronius Maximus Coins.htm

Proclaimed himself emperor after Valentinian III 's death; murdered

June 455 to 17 October 456


Avitus Coins.htm

Proclaimed emperor by the Visigoth king Theoderic II ; deposed by Ricimer

457 to 2 August 461


Majorian Coins.htm

Appointed by Ricimer ; deposed and executed by Ricimer

461 to 465

Libius Severus

Libius Severus Coins.htm

Appointed by Ricimer ; deposed and executed by Ricimer

12 April 467 to 11 July 472


Anthemius Coins.htm

Appointed by Ricimer ; deposed and executed by Ricimer

July 472 to 2 November 472


Olybrius Coins.htm

Appointed by Ricimer

5 March 473 to June 474


Glycerius Coins.htm

Appointed by Gundobad ; deposed by Julius Nepos

June 474 to 25 April 480

Julius Nepos

Julius Nepos Coins.htm

Appointed by eastern emperor Leo I ; deposed in Italy by Orestes in 475; continued to be recognised as lawful emperor in Gaul and Dalmatia until his murder in 480

31 October 475 to 4 September 476

Romulus Augustus
(Romulus Augustulus)

Romulus Augustus Coins.htm

Son of Orestes ; deposed by Odoacer ; fate unknown

Further information: Barbarian kings of Italy

 Eastern Roman Empire

  • For the rulers of the Eastern Roman Empire (also known as the Byzantine Empire ) after Theodosius II , see: List of Byzantine Emperors

Theodosian dynasty (395–457)

Name Reign Comments
  Theodosius I "the Great"
(Θεοδόσιος Α' ο Μέγας, Flavius Theodosius)Theodosius I Coins.htm
19 January 379 –
17 January 395
Born on 11 January 347. Aristocrat and military leader, brother-in-law of Gratian, who appointed him as emperor of the East. From 392 until his death sole Roman emperor
(Αρκάδιος, Flavius Arcadius)Arcadius Coins.htm
17 January 395 –
1 May 408
Born in 377/378, the eldest son of Theodosius I. Succeeded upon the death of his father
  Theodosius II
(Θεοδόσιος Β', Flavius Theodosius) Theodosius II Coins.htm
1 May 408 –
28 July 450
Born on 10 April 401, the only son of Arcadius. Succeeded upon the death of his father. As a minor, the praetorian prefect Anthemius was regent in 408–414. He died in a riding accident
Marcian.jpg Marcian
(Μαρκιανός, Flavius Valerius Marcianus)

Marcian Coins.htm

450 – January 457 Born in 396. A soldier and politician, he became emperor after being wed by the Augusta Pulcheria , Theodosius II's sister, following the latter's death. Died of gangrene

Leonid dynasty (457–518)

Name Reign Comments
  Leo I "the Thracian"
(Λέων Α' ο Θράξ, Flavius Valerius Leo)

Leo I Coins.htm

7 February 457 –
18 January 474
Born in Dacia in 401. A common soldier, he was chosen by Aspar , commander-in-chief of the army. Died of dysentery
Leo (474)-coin.jpg Leo II
(Λέων Β', Flavius Leo)

Leo II Coins.htm

18 January –
17 November 474
Born in 467, the grandson of Leo I. Succeeded upon the death of Leo I. Died of an unknown disease, possibly poisoned
Zeno.png Zeno
(Ζήνων, Flavius Zeno)

Zeno Coins.htm

17 November 474 –
9 April 491
Born c.425 at Zenonopolis , Isauria , originally named Tarasicodissa. Son-in-law of Leo I, he was bypassed in the succession because of his barbarian origin. Named co-emperor by his son on 9 February 474, he succeeded upon the death of Leo II. Deposed by Basiliscus, brother-in-law of Leo, he fled to his native country and regained the throne in August 476.
Basiliscus.jpg Basiliscus
(Βασιλίσκος, Flavius Basiliscus)

Basiliscus Coins.htm

9 January 475 –
August 476
General and brother-in-law of Leo I, he seized power from Zeno but was again deposed by him. Died in 476/477
Anastasius I (emperor).jpg Anastasius I
(Αναστάσιος Α', Flavius Anastasius)

BYZANTINE - Anastasius Coins.htm

11 April 491 –
9 July 518
Born c. 430 at Dyrrhachium , Epirus nova . A palace official (silentiarius) and son-in-law of Leo I, he was chosen as emperor by empress-dowager Ariadne

Justinian Dynasty

Portrait Name Born Reigned Succession Died
Tremissis-Justin I-sb0058.jpg Justin I
c. 450 AD, Naissus July 9, 518 AD – August 1, 527 AD Commander of the palace guard under Anastasius I) ; elected as emperor with support of army August 1, 527 AD
Natural causes
Meister von San Vitale in Ravenna 004.jpg Justinian I
c. 482 AD, Tauresium , Dardania August 1, 527 AD – 13/14 November 565 AD Nephew and nominated heir of Justin I 13/14 November 565 AD
Natural causes
Solidus-Justin II-sb0391.jpg Justin II
c. 520 AD, ? 13/14 November 565 AD – 578 AD Nephew of Justinian I 578 AD
Became insane; Tiberius II Constantine ruled as regent from December 574 and became emperor on Justin's death in 578

Roman Late Monogram Coins.htm

Roman AE4 Coins.htm

 See also

  • Roman Republic
  • Roman Empire
  • Western Roman Empire
  • Byzantine Empire
  • Britannic Empire
  • Gallic Empire
  • List of Roman usurpers
  • Roman usurper
  • Thirty Tyrants (Roman)



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Once you receive your order, please leave a positive. Please don't leave any negative feedbacks, as it happens many times that people rush to leave feedback before letting sufficient time for the order to arrive. Also, if you sent an email, make sure to check for my reply in your messages before claiming that you didn't receive a response. The matter of fact is that any issues can be resolved, as reputation is most important to me. My goal is to provide superior products and quality of service.