
Pack of 3 large fresh seeds of Delonix regia, the Flame Tree (also known as the Royal Poinciana or the Flamboyant Tree) – with full instructions for germination

deciduous tree endemic to Madagascar, eventually growing to a height of around 20-30 feet within open ground, although staying much smaller if grown as a bonsai: 2-3 ft tall, or eventually up to 6-8 ft within a large pot.

Beautiful, fern-like foliage composed of bright-green leaflets – very attractive even when not in flower or in leaf

The tree produces a vibrant red and long-lasting flowering display from April to August

The trees are easy to keep small (if desired) with pruning.  These trees flower fairly young.  Makes an excellent bonsai tree as the roots are very shallow and it is easily dwarfed

Frost tender and needs to be kept above 7°C

Growing Details

Height: 2-3 ft as a bonsai; 20-30 ft in open ground

Plant type: Deciduous tree

Hardiness: Frost-tender.  Protect with fleece when temperatures drop below 7ºC, or bring indoors / grow indoors

Sun Exposure: Full sun to partial shade (blooms better in full sun)

Flowering time: Vibrant red flowers from April to August

Soil: Lower fertility, moist and well-drained.  Acid to neutral.  Water more sparingly during winter, unless growing within a very warm house

Propagation methods: Cuttings, grafting and from seeds


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Please be aware that your Country may impose tariffs and you may have to pay Customs Duty/Tax before your Government will release your package; please research prior to placing an order.

We cannot be held responsible for any Customs Duties/Tax that may be applied by your respective Government upon arrival into your country.

We are not responsible for knowing every country’s import regulations — and although we try our best to stay up-to-date, it is always the Customer's responsibility to research this information prior to ordering with us.