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Photos are of my own plants 
On offer is one medium size cane which will flower next season

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My Noble orchid story 
Originally this poor little fellow shown in main photo was just a bunch of shrivelled stems sitting in the fork of a Poinciana tree on the footpath at our neighbours house who were selling their vacated property during a drought. Every day I watched this plant just shrivel more and lose all its leaves and I would take it a bottle of water now and again. It looked like the house was never going to sell. One day while I was giving it a drink, it had that... Please dont leave me look about it ..................mmmmm what do you do? So I went to save him from his predicament and he.... um!... literally fell into my hand..amazing!. Well as you can see he hasn't looked back and is happy as a pig in ---- just lazing away in my Jacaranda tree.
He has put on heaps of weight and needs to lose some of the excess. Ironically...our neighbour didnt sell the house and have since moved back so I returned several of Nobile's chubby little off-spring and they are very happy. So ....thats just one of my rescue stories.
Just tie or nail them with a large staple nail to the fork of a tree pacdded up with sphagnum moss and spray with Seasol and Natrakelp now and again
PLANT CARE: Soft cane dendrobiums are easy to grow but, for a little extra care and attention, can reward the grower quite spectacularly. The tall canes, 70 – 80 cm in length, can produce many flowers growing up the stem in spring. Each flower is approximately 8 cm by about 7 cm in size. Like many dendrobiums, it will continue to flower for several years on the old canes. They tend to be a bit top-heavy so usually require some means of support.That's why I let him dangle from the Jacaranda.
Created with GarageSale
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