Hand made antique Persian Kurdish rug

Antique Persian Kurdish rug in chocolate brown color. This very beautiful rug has busy tribal design full of large colorful drops in the middle on chocolate brown field. Three borders are on this rug: first is the smallest one and beige inner border with some repeating flowers all over it, then chocolate brown wider one in the middle filled with tribal figures and the last border is in blue color with circled tribal ornaments on it. Tribal pieces are always full of spirit and energy. On this rug we can find little figures of people and animals which is not very typical for this kind of rugs.

Kurdish rugs and carpets do use medallion patterns; however, far more popular are the all-over floral, Mina Khani motifs and the "jaff" geometric patterns. The beauty of Kurdish designs are enriched by high-chroma blues, greens, saffrons as well as terracotta and burnt orange hues made richer still by the lusturous wool used

The traditional Kurdish Rug uses Kurdish symbols. It is possible to read the dreams, wishes and hopes of the rug maker from the sequence of symbols used. It is this signification and communication both individually and grouped into Kurdish rug making.  Kurdish people study how meaning is constructed and understood by talking with the rug maker.

-condition: original good,

-circa: 1880,

-size: 3.10' x 5.9' ( 120cm x 179cm ),


-country of origin:

-style: Kurdish,

-background colors: chocolate brown, red, beige, blue, green, rose, white.

One Royal Art

We usually ship our items in 3-5 days from the day of purchase and use International Service of French National Postal office ( Shippint usually takes from 5 to 10 days) For the US buyers: some of our rugs are represented in New York Gallaries and they would be delivered faster.