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Some fab little friends are getting ready for a girl's night out! Pull up a cute chair in front of the dazzling dresser and have some fashion fun, as these Shopkins get ready to hit the town. Screaming style from head to toe, these girls are dressed to show! This stunning collection comes with 8 exclusive Shopkins to dress up your collection!

Get ready to glam up! It's time for a Fashion Spree! Step in and see what's in store. Designer shoes for you to choose. New seasons styles to make you smile! 
There's so much more to adore when you're on a Shopkins Fashion Spree.

New seasons styles to make you smile! 
There's so much more to adore when you're on a Shopkins Fashion Spree.
- Because once you shop you can't stop!

The cutest, most-collectible characters from your favorite shops! There are adorable fruits, sweets, dairy and more! Grab your shopping cart, and start - because once you shop, you can't stop! Be sure to visit our Shopkins Brand Store for more information and products.