Chinese Kungfu - Cheng style bagua 8 diagram Palm Serie by Ma Lincheng 9DVDs



Cheng-style Eight-diagram Palm Series by Ma Lincheng 9DVDs



Cheng-style Eight-diagram Palm Series (I)-Basic techniques by Ma Lincheng DVD

Eight-diagram Palm is based on standing and walking, adopting revolving as the most fundamental style. Its stances cover mud-wading step and buckling step. The palm takes the form of a dragon claw or an ox tongue. There are main attacking skills like pushing, propping, moving, buckling, chopping, thrusting and pointing etc, as well as palm techniques as"eight revolving palms","eight basic big palms", and"interlink palm with swimming body".

Lecturer: Ma Lincheng
Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese


Cheng-style Eight-diagram Palm Series (II)-Eight Basic Palms by Ma Lincheng 2DVDs



Movements in eight-diagram palm include lengthen the neck, ease the shoulder, lift the chest, flat the belly, draw close the knees, toes grasp the ground. This set of palm features the followings, body goes after the steps, palms change with the body, walk like the wind, revolving as a monkey, violent as a tiger, action among stillness and vice versa.

Lecturer: Ma Lincheng
Format: 2DVDs
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese



Cheng-style Eight-diagram Palm Series (III)-Eight-diagram Interlink Palm with Swimming Body by Ma Lincheng DVD

There are no fixed palm techniques in this set; hence you can practice at free will. This practice has double effects as prolonging life and attacking. The constant revolving can adjust the nutrition balance, dredge channels and collaterals, invigorate the kidney so as to stimulate practitioners' potentials, console the mind and cultivate noble spirit. Practice for a period of time would make you suddenly enlightened, completely relaxed in both mind and body.

Lecturer: Ma Lincheng
Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese


Cheng-style Eight-diagram Palm Series (IV)-Eight-diagram Interlink Swords by Ma Lincheng 2DVDs

As one short weapon of eight-diagram palm, interlink sword is about forty three inches in length and three and a half in weight. Though hard to master, this sword practice fully displays the body work of eight-diagram palm together with its step changes and movement patterns like man and the sword coordinate with each other, while go harmony with each other.

Lecturer: Ma Lincheng
Format: 2DVDs
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese



Cheng-style Eight-diagram Palm Series (V)-Eight-diagram Free Fighting by Ma Lincheng DVD


Eight-diagram Free Fighting seeks six harmonies, namely external harmonies including that between hand and foot, elbow and knee, shoulder and crotch, added by internal harmonies from these between mind and will, will and breath , breath and force. Only when the external and internal factors integrate with each other, can all effects be achieved. The practitioners can give a full play to the techniques as pushing, propping, chopping, thrusting and pointing in the course of revolving. This fully exhibits Eight-diagram Palm's attacking rules, which help to make the effects to defeat the enemy when we're outnumbered and weaker.

Lecturer: Ma Lincheng
Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese



Cheng-style Eight-diagram Palm Series (VIII)-Eight-Diagram Broad-Ax by Ma Lincheng 2DVDs

Eight-Diagram Broad-Ax, originally called Sun Moon Sword, is a double short weapon in eight-diagram palms. As one of the representative weapons in this set, it has attacking skills like ticking, buckling, sweeping, thrusting, poking, pointing, cutting, chopping etc. Practitioners almost apply techniques from Eight-diagram Palm into the broad-ax exercise, making the cured knife and the body a harmonious unity.

Lecturer: Ma Lincheng
Format: 2DVDs
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese  
