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1000+ Lot of Passive RS Electronic Components Resistors Capacitors + Others NEW

You are looking at a massive selection of passive electronics parts from RS,

There are 1000+ items that consist mostly of through hole and surface mount resistors and capacitors but there are some other fantastic parts often included in the selection such as cable, connectors, inductors, switches, hardware etc and even the odd few semiconductors like diodes, transistors, LED's and even some IC's can find the way into the selection as loose or packaged parts,

With the exception of a few loose parts they all come in the makers original sealed packs with RS part numbers on them for easy identification,

The pictures shows an example of the sort of items included in these job lots but does not guarantee you will get any specific part shown in the pictures BUT there will always be many times the value your paying for these of parts included and if for any reason your unhappy with the parts you get your welcome to return them to us for a full refund,

Stock up your electronics lab now with some great new parts !,

Please see our other items for lots of SM reels and active electronics parts,

Thanks for looking and good luck