Brand New Book -The Opiate Cure - Compelling evidence curing chronic pain, OCD, PTSD, Fibromyalgia, Depression and other mental illness - Endorphin Deficiency Syndrome with use of Opioids Over the past fourteen years, recently retired physician, Dr. Robert T. Cochran, Jr., published three books regarding the treatment and possible cure for chronic pain symptoms and bipolar disorder. The most controversial of the three books is undoubtedly the third which is titled, �The Opiate Cure: Pain and the Bipolar Spectrum. In The Opiate Cure, Dr Cochran claims that by paying attention to often minute details gathered from his patients, he was able to cure both chronic pain and bipolar disorder. Needless to say, this cased controversy within the medical community due to the stigma attached to prescribing often strong opiates. Making the controversy most interesting is the fact that there are literally thousands of former patients of Dr. Cochran who undoubtedly feel they were cured of both bipolar disorder and chronic pain symptoms after having been prescribed opiates. The Question: Do these books indeed offer a valid treatment or possible cure for chronic pain symptoms and bipolar disorder? Perhaps the question should be rephrased, Do we trust the often negative opinions found within the medical community regarding these books, or do we trust the thousands of patients who claim they were cured? In most every former patients testimonial we have found, one phrase resonates over and over again, Dr. Cochran changed my life. The Opiate Cure tells the stories of painful people whose mental illness were relieved when they were given opioids for their chronic pain. This improbable outcome has occurred in those with bipolar depression and mania, attention deficit disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and narcolepsy. These several diseases are now linked together, constituting the bipolar spectrum. Linked also to bipolar spectrum is chronic pain in its many forms, including migraine. This book will clearly demonstrate that bipolar spectrum is uniquely responsive to opiate therapy. The Opiate Cure offers new insights and, more importantly, hope for those with acute and/or chronic pain.