Seymour Duncan SH-55 Seth Lover Humbucker Set Bridge & Neck Nickel 1 Conductor

SH-55b Seth Lover Bridge


Hand built exactly the way Seth Lover designed, these faithful P.A.F.s deliver an open airy humbucker tone for your bridge position


The Seth Lover bridge model gives you that warm airy, open tone by striking just the right balance of low end warmth with a smooth but articulate top end. The Alnico 2 bar magnet helps to sweeten the high end response, while the vintage output coils bring out this pickups rich harmonic content. Chords will have a full, open sound, and single notes will have a soft, yet articulate feel. The un-potted nickel silver cover gives the tone an almost piano like percussive quality. Pair with the Seth lover neck model for the perfect P.A.F. setup. Each Seth Lover Model humbucker is hand built in Santa Barbara the way Seth Lover designed them. The mold we use for our butyrate bobbins was created by the same factory that built the original P.A.F. mold for Gibson. Other key features include our specially manufactured 42AWG plain enamel mag wire, nickel silver cover, 2.5-inch Alnico 2 bar magnet, custom machined metal and maple spacers, single conductor push-back braided lead wire, and nickel silver bottom plate. We wind every Seth Lover humbucker on Seymour’s original Leesona winding machine from the early Gibson factory in Kalamazoo, MI., for that unmistakable vintage tone and feel.

  • DCR:8.3
  • Magnet:Alnico 2

SH-55n Seth Lover Neck


The most faithful P.A.F. pickup available anywhere, hand built exactly the way Seth Lover designed it for smooth, sweet neck humbucker tone.


The Seth Lover neck model gives you a smooth but articulate tone by striking the perfect balance of warm, full sounding low end with a nice sweet treble. The alnico 2 bar magnet helps to smooth the high end response, while the vintage output coils bring out this pickups rich harmonic content. Single notes will have that perfect singing quality, and the un-potted nickel silver cover gives the tone an almost piano-like percussive feel. Pair with the Seth lover bridge model for the perfect P.A.F. setup, or try it in the neck position of that modified Tele for a killer sound. Each humbucker is carefully hand built in Santa Barbara to Seth Lovers original exacting specs. Our butyrate bobbin molds are created from the same factory that built the original P.A.F. mold for Gibson. Other key features include our specially manufactured 42AWG plain enamel mag wire, nickel silver cover, 2.5-inch alnico 2 bar magnet, custom machined metal and maple spacers, single conductor push-back braided lead wire, and nickel silver bottom plate. We wind every Seth Lover humbucker on Seymour’s original Leesona winding machine from the early Gibson factory in Kalamazoo, MI., for that unmistakable vintage tone and feel.

  • DCR:7.4
  • Magnet:Alnico 2
  • Cable:1c Braided Shield


Part Number: 11101-21-Nc_11101-20-Nc


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