Limited time offer!  Renew and recharge with ageLOC R2.   Day Exp 03/2026 Night 11/2025

Starting today you have the power to feel young again.  Target the sources of aging with the dual action of ageLOC R2.

ageLOC R2 is a powerful product that resets the Youth Gene Clusters related to cellular purification and cellular energy production toward a more youthful time.  Taken in the evening, ageLOC R2 Night optimizes each cell's natural purification process, helping you start each day feeling refreshed and renewed.   

Taken in the morning, ageLOC R2 Day optimizes cellular energy production to help you recharge and take control of a new day.  Renew and recharge with ageLOC R2.

Package contains: 

R2 Night, 60 Capsules, take two capsules in the evening.

R2 Day, 180 Capsules, take six capsules  in the morning

Nu Skin guarantee no added sugar, salt, wheat, yeast or dairy products, no preservatives.