Best quality available.
When comparing prices please also compare quality.
Not every switch available features these items:

Brass tab on key
Small hole in key for use with remote cable
Rain protected by both key & cover
10mm copper plated terminals (some are 8mm and not copper)

Shipped direct from the UK, so please allow 15 - 25 days for this to arrive. Free delivery to anywhere in the world.

100Amp at 12volt continuous, 1000Amp for 10 seconds.
Built in secondary switch to isolate the ignition circuit - the main electrical circuit is earthed through a 3ohm 11watt resistor to prevent surge and protect modern vehicles with ECU controls.
Supplied with 1 key
Can be flush mounted to a panel (maximum 12mm thick).
Requires a mounting hole 22mm and 2 x 6.5mm bolt fixing holes 37mm apart