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The Rough Guide to Sicily (Inglese) - Copertina flessibile – 2 giu 2008

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di di Jules Brown (Autore), Rob Andrews (Autore)  

Make the most of your time with The Rough Guide to Sicily. Written by authors with over twenty years’ experience in travelling around Sicily, the book covers every region and offshore island. The full-colour section introduces Sicily’s highlights, from the slopes of Mount Etna to alfresco dining in Palermo. With informed accounts and unparralled coverage, clue-up on all the top sights from Greek temples to the celebrity-filled Aeolian islands, gorge-walking to volcano-climbing, market shopping to lazing in boutique hotels. The guide takes a detailed look at Sicily’s history, literature and cultural life with expert background on everything from Baroque architecture to the history of the Mafia. From Palermo and Catania to the get-away-from-it-all islands of Pantelleria and Lampedusa, rely on authoritative reviews of hotels, restaurants, shops and transportation and lively tips on hundreds of bars and clubs. Whether you’re on a beach holiday, fly-drive tour or island-hopping trip, explore every corner of Sicily with the clearest maps of any guide.

Dettagli prodotto

  • Copertina flessibile: 464 pagine
  • Editore: Rough Guides; 7 edizione (2 giugno 2008)
  • Collana: Rough Guides
  • Lingua: Inglese

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