Pure Health Botanicals


--Chlorella Pyrenoidosa--

Existing since Earth’s formation, Chlorella is a microscopic, single-celled organism that can only be seen under a microscope.  This is the main reason why Chlorella was first discovered by Dutch microbiologist Martinus Beijerinck in only 1890 after having been around for millions of years.  Chlorella first came into mainstream American public knowledge during the 1940's when there was a widespread concern about the food supply due to shortages caused by World War II and the inevitable post-war population boom.  These concerns were alleviated in part by chlorella, which was shown to be incredibly efficient using the sun's energy (photosynthesis) and would provide a good source of protein after drying.  While being hyped up in the USA as a potential staple of the nation's future food supply, chlorella never gained enough widespread popularity to be produced on a large scale.  
Though it did not fully catch on as a worldwide meal replacement, Chlorella was further studied and developed, particularly by the Japanese.  They found a way to destroy the outer cell membrane, which would improve its digestibility up to about 80%. When some people accidentally consumed cadmium-infected rice, it was found that after consumption of chlorella, their stools showed high concentrations of cadmium.  This observation lead to the discovery that Chlorella can play a very important role in eliminating toxic heavy metals from the body.  Typically used in conjunction with Cilantro, this combination is said to bind to toxic heavy metals and mobilize them so that they are removed from the body.  There are several other health benefits to taking Chlorella (as well as Cilantro), such as

·       Heavy metal chelation

·       Boosting energy

·       Digestive support

·       Circulatory support

·       Providing support to the immune system

 This tincture is formulated with a 1:5 herb to menstruum ratio using Chlorella grown in China.  Our tinctures are packaged in amber glass Boston Round bottles with glass droppers attached (8oz and 16oz bottles do not include droppers) and sealed with perforated shrink bands to ensure the purity and quality of the product.  Orders are shipped within 1 business day through USPS First Class or USPS First Class International.

Active Ingredients:

Chlorella is packed with nutrients such as all of the essential amino acids, many fatty acids, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, and many vitamins and minerals. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Typical dosage is 30 drops, 2 times per day.

How to take it?

Our tinctures contain 40% grain alcohol in order to preserve the quality of the solution.  Since alcohol can have a rather offensive taste, we have a number of suggestions for how to ingest this:

         Place the drops directly under the tongue and chase with a small glass of water, juice, or any other fluid that may taste more pleasant

         Place the drops directly in an ounce or so of water or other fluid and drink that

         If serving to children under the age of 21, or if you want to avoid the harsh taste of the alcohol, you can either let the tincture sit out or heat it up on very low heat, until the alcohol evaporates (alcohol evaporates faster than water)

About our tinctures:

Pure Health tinctures are a great alternative to herbal teas, capsules, and pills. They are fast acting and last for years when stored properly.  We pride ourselves on selling the highest quality tinctures available.  We use only the finest, highest quality herbs from reputable growers all over the world. 

Pure Health tinctures contain 40% grain alcohol, rather than what has become the industry standard of 30% or less (watch out for companies that list it as 50 proof, that just means it contains 25% alcohol). Alcohol is what ensures that each tincture is completely sterile and free of any bacteria, spores, or microbes. We also use high quality extracts instead of actual plant material to maximize the concentration of the solutions and minimize the amounts of plant material floating in each tincture.

Other suppliers claim to use large quantities of plant material, but they do not specify whether it is fresh or dry. Fresh plant material contains 80% or more water by weight. We exclusively use dehydrated plant materials to ensure potency, purity, and reliability of strength. We are confident that we provide the highest quality tinctures available. If you are not 100% satisfied with your order, we will either give you a replacement or a full refund.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

WARNING: The information provided in this auction has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not to be used as a substitute for advice from a medical professional. Please consult a licensed health care professional before deciding to take any of the aforementioned substances. It is important that they can look at your body type, diet, exercise regimen, and any other important details about your body to see which of these substances are right for you.

By bidding on this product, the buyer agrees that neither the seller, eBay nor PayPal will be held responsible in any way for any damages or injuries brought about by the use of this product.  The buyer also affirms that he or she is at least 21 years of age, and has the knowledge, experience and tools to safely handle this material.  The buyer agrees to conform to all federal, state, municipal, provincial, or territorial laws.  Buyer also agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the seller to any and all claims, liabilities, or causes of legal action.