Exclusive Brand: Elite99

     Elite99 manufactures the best quality polish. If you love your hands and nails, please use Elite99 polish to make them brighter and make yourself more confident.


Volume: 12ml



* High technology & High quality.

* Last more than 2 weeks.

* Healthy, environmental, friendly, no poisonous, pungent chemical materials used.

* Very easy to operate.


Professional usage:

Step 1. Clean Nails then trim nail surface as normal manicure process. 

Step 2. Fully shake up the polish, it can make the polish color be balanced. (Important)

Step 3. Apply Base coat first, which can make polish lasting longer, cure with UV lamp or LED lamp. (Necessary)

Step 4. Apply first layer of color polish directly, cure with UV lamp for 2 minutes or cure with LED lamp for 60 seconds.

Step 5. Apply second layer of color polish, do not cure and put the magnet over the nails for 10-15 seconds to get the cat eye effect, and then immediately cure with UV lamp for 2 minutes or cure with LED lamp for 60 seconds.

Step 6. Coat with removable topcoat, which can make color more shining, then cured by UV lamp or LED lamp.

Step 7. Remove the tacky surface with cotton soaked with cleanser.
