Splenda Granules Diabetics Sweetener calories-free 1362 g

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SPLENDA Granular

1362 g in the sealed bag (corresponds to approx. 13.6 kg sugar)

SPLENDA is made from sugar, tastes like sugar, but is calorie free and generates no caries


What is SPLENDA?

For five years, spreading yellow stickers on products with the slogan «Sweetened with Splenda» in the supermarkets of the United States and drive the sugar market in its "biggest crisis» («Washington Post»). The sweetener named SPLENDA Brand Sucralose is actually, is derived from sugar, is 600 times sweeter than sugar, contains no caries no calories that caused and is purchased in the United States mainly by young people and mothers. SPLENDA promises to be «natural» such as sugar, and low in calories as «artificial» sweetener.

Sucralose was discovered in 1976 by British sugar producer Tate & Lyle and researchers of at King's College in London. Sucralose is made up of sugar molecules, where chlorine atoms replace three hydroxyl groups.

With the launch of so promising, but delicate product such as SPLENDA, Johnson & Johnson ordered the ex-Pepsi-marketing wife Debra Sandler. in 1999, nobody knew except the examiners by the health authority SPLENDA. Today 3500 are sweetened variety of food, and 10 000 brands in 40 countries lead the small yellow sweetener logo on their packaging. Pepsi («Pepsi edge») as well as Coca-Cola ("diet Coke sweetened with SPLENDA") sell a SPLENDA sweetened beverages. And when the coffee house chain of Starbucks last year introduced SPLENDA, employees should have hidden the yellow packets under the counter, because customers at the self-service counter filled up the bags. «Splenda-Signet on foods is now a much coveted seal of approval like the inside› inscription on the computers ‹Intel», writes the German journal «sales economy».

But how to explain the astounding success of SPLENDA? Here are the characteristics of the product to: It is broken down by the body as a carbohydrate, so it has no calories, and it tastes unlike other artificial sweeteners such as aspartame not bitter even after intensive heating.

The product quickly spread in the diabetics scene, and over the Internet, over a million SPLENDA products were sold within two years. From that time comes the slogan "made from sugar, so it tastes like sugar". Advertising targeted to customers who complained about the bitter aftertaste of sweeteners such as aspartame, and those who feared the health risks repeatedly reported in the press. At the same time, Sandler convinced small provider of diet products to use SPLENDA as an additive. She benefited from the trend to low-carbohydrate diet. Health guru Dr. Richard Atkins was one of the biggest defenders of SPLENDA and his diet Atkins nutrition is one of the first partners manufacturers.

Soon, SPLENDA was a recognized brand in the diabetic market. But Sandler wanted more. To promote the product recognition, she spread SPLENDA leading food brands in the mass market. It began with the popular lemonade "diet Rite» by Cadbury Schweppes. Its turnover rose within a year by more than 30 percent. Now Sandler had created the basis to implement its real strategy: the attack on the sugar. 2004 profits by McNeil Nutritionals exceeded those of the biggest U.S. sugar brands, Domino and C for the first time & H. SPLENDA increased his sales by 47 percent last year, the sugar sales dropped 4 percent.

in 2004, sucralose has been released for the EU market


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Brand Splenda
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