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Crescent Dawn (Inglese) - Copertina flessibile – nov 2010

Libro Nuovo in Offerta!

di Clive Cussler (Autore), Dirk
Cussler (Autore) 

Dirk Pitt returns in the extraordinary new novel from the #1 New York Times--bestselling author.

In A.D. 327, a Roman galley barely escapes a pirate attack with its extraordinary cargo. In 1916, a British warship mysteriously explodes in the middle of the North Sea. In the present day, a cluster of important mosques in Turkey and Egypt are wracked by explosions. Does anything tie them together?

NUMA director Dirk Pitt is about to find out, as Roman artifacts discovered in Turkey and Israel unnervingly connect to the rise of a fundamentalist movement determined to restore the glory of the Ottoman Empire, and to the existence of a mysterious "manifest," lost long ago, which if discovered again . . . just may change the history of the world as we know it.

Dettagli prodotto

  • Copertina flessibile: 548 pagine
  • Editore: Penguin Group (USA) Inc. (novembre 2010)
  • Collana: Dirk Pitt Adventure
  • Lingua: Inglese

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