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The Path of Minor Planets (Inglese)Copertina flessibile – 3 mar 2011

Libro Nuovo in Offerta!

Andrew Sean Greer (Autore)

It's 1965, on a small island in the South Pacific, a group of astronomers gather to witness the passing of a comet, but when a young boy dies during a meteor shower, the lives of the scientists and their loved ones change in subtle yet profound ways.

Andrew Sean Greer's remarkable and sweeping novel is an exploration into chances taken and lost, of love found and broken, and of time's gravitational pull on the lives of everyday and extraordinary people.

Dettagli prodotto

  • Copertina flessibile: 288 pagine
  • Editore: Faber & Faber; Main edizione (3 marzo 2011)
  • Lingua: Inglese

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