Ancient Energy Bio-Healing Rods The Premiere Pair

Finally, a Safe, Natural, and Thoroughly Enjoyable Way to Get Relief and Healing from Nearly Any Dis-Ease! 


The Energy Bio-Healing Rods often stimulate physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Healing Rods have an ancient history, they are beautiful to look at, incredible to touch and hold in your hands, and offer so many incredible benefits. Healing Rods really must be experienced first hand!


Though Western medicine is just now beginning to explore the subtle energy systems of the body, the ancient Egyptians were doing thousands of years ago. The FDA is decades behind recognizing the power of Healing Rods, but you don’t have to wait. The Healing Rods have been used regularly in Russia since 1984.  


Research proves that acupuncture meridians, the basis of Chinese medicine, are lines of electrical impedance along skin, muscle, bone, and fascia.  Today computers, power lines, cell phones, microwaves and other electrical devices can diminish our individual electrical charges.  Energy Bio-Healing Rods are metaphysical orgones and can increase your voltaic potential back to a positive energy.

Disclaimer:  I am not a Licensed M.D.  I am a Certified Reiki Master (RMT) and Energy Alchemist.  I practice Reiki Healing, Holistic, Naturopathic Medicine and Metaphysical Science.  I am not claiming that the Energy Bio-Healing Rods or any other service that I offer will, in fact, heal your mind, body, or spirit.  To avoid any possible lawsuits, I must state this in writing.  However, I can confirm that I have sold many Rods to very satisfied customers.  As I use them, I personally feel better and have become healthier by using them for my own healing purposes.

    Remember - Copper Rod in Right Hand and Zinc Rod in Left Hand. 


Stress Reduction


High Blood Pressure

Arteriole Sclerosis

Poor vision

Poor Hearing

Joint Pain

Gastric Diseases


Emotional imbalances

Co-ordination & Dyslexia

Improve Intelligence

Improved strength

Correct functioning of the heart

Calcium Deficiency by improving absorption, which is especially important for sufferers from osteoporosis

Memory retention

Menopausal symptoms

Poor Sleep patterns

Depression especially those of a nervous nature

Bronchial asthma

And Many More…



Copper Rod Right Hand, Zinc Rod Left Hand (Stimulates the 6th & 7th Chakras)

Just holding the rods for 7-11 minutes will relax and energize the whole body to reduce stress & fatigue.

All chakras, meridians, nadis, and subtle bodies are stimulated and aligned Aura repair and

strengthening, Psychic abilities accelerate, Meditation improvement by allowing deeper, 


& more profound Shamanic Journeying, Assist in Tai Chi Movement, Amplify your body's natural 

charge for meditation, Release tension, draw energy into your body and nurture health,

Make your body into an Orgone battery that draws a charge from the earth


      Prices Vary Based On Energies Per Rod Set