A potent skin polisher with 60percent Himalayan pink Salt, fatgirlscrub's cooling formula sloughs off dead skin to deliver a super-soft finish and help enhance the penetration of follow-up fatgirlslim products. Our estheticians know that exfoliation is the key to enhancing absorption of treatments. This scrub was created to help enhance the results of our fatgirlslim body treatment. And now you can get those stimulating, exfoliating benefits at home. Here are the three steps to your fatgirlscrub full body treatment. 1) Begin at your feet and scrub upward, using enough pressure to stimulate circulation, but not enough to bruise you. 2)Use circular motions around your knees. At the tops and inner areas of your thighs, and on the backs of your arms. 3) Circle around your abdomen: from the lower right side, move up and across your belly-button, then down along the left side. Bliss believes that happiness is the result of total well-being. From the transformational benefits and wonders of our spas to the powerful skin caring products we offer, everything we do is geared to our one goal of helping you feel beautiful, healthy and happy.