Plague Games -The Ebay Shop for: Alternative Armies & The ION AGE

28mm and 15mm Fantasy Gaming Rules – A5 Rules Booklet

‘DarkeStorme The Skirmish’- 28mm Fantasy Combat Rules

DarkeStorme is a high fantasy character driven skirmish game written by Gavin Syme (GBS) creator of Erin 2nd edition, Typhon and Flintloque 3rd edition along with many other wargame rule systems and fiction.

A5 Publication, 60 Pages, Colour Covers, ISBN and Barcode

These rules can be used with our High Fantasy miniature range or any other suitable range of miniatures. FULL MECHANICS FEATURING: Easy to learn D6 engine. Full rules for character combat. Full Magic System with ten levels of spells. Monster Handling system with 'Amok' rules. Creature generation formula and many Mortal and Undead races. Expansion rules for Cavalry, Artillery and Chariots. A Full Points System. Terrain and Weather generation and special terrain generator. Create Characters from nothing and lead them through linked adventures and progression. Units of roughly ten to twenty characters in games lasting twenty minutes to over an hour in length. A game system suitable for younger gamers, those with less time or starting out or those looking for an easy play wargame with a traditional high fantasy feel from the era of the 1980's and 1990's.

See Alternative Armies for More Detailed Information


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