
Pack of 20 viable seeds of Rhododendron schlippenbachii (Royal Azalea) – with full instructions for germination

The Royal Azalea is a deciduous shrub originating from the Korean Peninsula and Eastern Russia, growing to around 5m (17ft) and producing a beautiful display of flowers during spring and striking autumnal foliage colours

Leaves grow to around 10cm long, emerging with purple and red tints when young, turning dark green over time. During autumn, it puts on a fantastic display of yellow, orange and red leaves

Attractive and gently-scentedwhite-pink to darker pink flowers are produced just before the leaves emerge in late spring

It makes a perfect bonsai specimen as it is easily ‘dwarfed’ to less than a couple of feet tall within a bonsai pot

Growing Details

Height: 5m (17ft) but much smaller in a bonsai pot (typically up to 2-3 feet)

Plant type: Deciduous flowering shrub

Hardiness: Hardy to -20°C (-4°F).  Very young plants should have their new growth protected from very hard frosts

Sun Exposure: Prefers partial shade

Shelter from strong winds

Soil: Moist and well-drained soil. Does best in acid soil. Make sure to keep the soil evenly moist during hotter months, especially if in a bonsai pot

Propagation methods: Seeds and cuttings


Shipping Policy (outside of the UK)  —  Please Read


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Please be aware that your Country may impose tariffs and you may have to pay Customs Duty/Tax before your Government will release your package; please research prior to placing an order.

We cannot be held responsible for any Customs Duties/Tax that may be applied by your respective Government upon arrival into your country.

We are not responsible for knowing every country’s import regulations — and although we try our best to stay up-to-date, it is always the Customer's responsibility to research this information prior to ordering with us.