
• Elite Turbo Muin Fluid Trainer

• The Elite Turbo Muin Fluid Trainer is the first and only direct transmission home trainer with integrated fluid resistance technology. It's very quiet, which allows you to train without disrupting those around you. When the weather won't let you get outdoors, or you have a structured interval session to do, jump on the Elite Turbo Muin Fluid Trainer and put the work in. Come spring and summer, your legs and lungs will thank you.

• Features:

• Internal Flywheel: Smooth road-like pedalling for all types of training

• High Power Output: Ideal for cadence, power and speed-based training sessions

• Stable and Foldable Frame: Just fold it and store it once you’re done training

• Progressive resistance that gradually increases with speed

• For road and MTB bikes, 5mm diameter quick release – compatible hubs: 130, 135mm