100% Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The Helthiest Fat on Earth - Greece's Liquid Gold

Extra virgin olive oil is entirely made from our family production, based in Kalamata Greece. Kalamata's olive oil is worldwide famous for having the best quality. Making pure, natural and excellent quality products is our first priority. We make it for many generations now.  

Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil originates from Koroneiki olives - a variety grown on the rocky seaside region of Greece called Mani, near Kalamata. 

"Quality extra virgin olive oil is super healthy. It may just be the single healthiest fat on the planet."

Bottle Capacity:
  • 250ml plastic bottle with tap cap
  • 250ml metal tin
  • 500ml metal tin
  • 750ml metal tin


What is Olive Oil?

Olive oil is a fat obtained from the fruit of the Olea europaea (olive tree), a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean region, where whole olives are pressed to produce olive oil.
The oil is used in cosmetics, medicine, cooking and soaps, and was also used as a fuel for traditional lamps. Although originating in the Mediterranean countries, today it is used worldwide.
Olive oil, rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, is a major component of the Mediterranean diet.
Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) are considered a healthy dietary fat, as opposed to saturated fats and trans fats.
Greece has the highest olive oil intake per person in the world. Greeks consume, on average, 24 liters per-person-per-year.
Populations from that region have longer life expectancies and lower risks of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.
Greece remains one of the top olive oil producing nations in the world. Most of the winning Greek olive oils in competitions, were produced from Koroneiki olives.

There are many disagreements about fats in the diet.
However, pretty much everyone agrees that olive oil, especially extra virgin, is good for you.

When you buy olive oil products, whether you want to use it on your skin or in your diet, make sure you purchase the extra virgin formulation. Extra virgin olive oil has the highest nutritional value because it has undergone the least amount of processing.

Here are some out of many health benefits of olive oil that are supported by scientific research:

1. Olive Oil is Rich in Healthy Monounsaturated Fats. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. This fatty acid is believed to have many beneficial effects, and is a healthy choice for cooking.
2. Olive Oil Contains Large Amounts of Antioxidants.
3. Olive Oil Has Strong Anti-Inflammatory Properties. Olive oil contains nutrients that can fight inflammation. This includes oleic acid, as well as the antioxidant oleocanthal.
4. Olive Oil May Help to Prevent Stroke. There are many large studies showing that people who consume olive oil have a much lower risk of developing stroke, the second biggest killer in developed countries.
5. Olive Oil is Protective Against Heart Disease. Olive oil has numerous benefits for heart health. It lowers blood pressure, protects LDL particles from oxidation, and has beneficial effects on many other risk factors.
6. Olive Oil Does Not Cause Weight Gain and Obesity. Consuming large amounts of olive oil does not appear to increase the likelihood of weight gain. It may even be beneficial for weight loss.
7. Olive Oil May Help Fight Alzheimer’s Disease. Some studies suggest that olive oil can help fight Alzheimer’s disease, but more research is needed to confirm this.
8. Olive Oil May Reduce The Risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Studies and clinical trials suggest that olive oil, combined with a Mediterranean diet, can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
9. Olive Oil Can Help Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis. Olive oil can help reduce joint pain and swelling from rheumatoid arthritis. The beneficial effects are greatly increased when combined with fish oil.
10. Olive Oil Has Anti-Bacterial Properties. Extra virgin olive oil has been shown to be particularly effective against Helicobacter pylori, a type of bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.

Nutritional Profile

Extra virgin olive oil is a particularly valuable of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. Among these phytonutrients are many standout polyphenols. These polyphenols include tyrosols (oleuropein, tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol), flavones (apigenin, luteolin), secoiridoids (oleocanthal), anthocyanidins (cyanidins, peonidins), hydroxycinnamic acids (caffeic, cinnamic, ferulic, and coumaric acids), flavonols (quercetin, kaempferol), lignans (pinoresinol), and hydroxybenzoic acids (vanillic and syringic acids). Olive oil is a unique plant oil in terms of its fat composition, containing about three-fourths of its fat in the form of oleic acid (a monounsaturated, omega-9 fat). It is a good source of vitamin E and also provides valuable amounts of the antioxidant beta-caroteneas well as squalene, a much less common antioxidant that also plays a special role in skin health.

Make Sure to Get The Right Type

The importance of getting the right kind of olive oil can not be overstated.
Extra virgin olive oil is the only type that contains all the antioxidants and bioactive compounds. It is the only olive oil we recommend.
But be aware, there is a lot of fraud on the olive oil market, and many oils that have “extra virgin” on the label have been diluted with other refined oils.
Therefore, do some research and make sure that you’re actually getting real extra virgin olive oil.

How to Enjoy - A Few Quick Serving Ideas

Use extra virgin olive oil in your salad dressings.
Puree minced garlic, cooked potatoes and extra virgin olive oil together to make exceptionally delicious garlic mashed potatoes. Season to taste.
Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over healthy sautéed vegetables before serving.
Puree extra virgin olive oil, garlic and your favorite beans together in a food processor. Season to taste and serve as a dip.
Instead of putting the butter dish out on the table, place a small cup of extra virgin olive oil out instead to use on your bread or rolls. For extra flavor, try adding a little Balsamic vinegar or any of your favorite spices to the extra virgin olive oil.


Benefits of Using Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the Skin

Extra virgin olive oil is loaded with nutrition and antioxidants like vitamins A and E. While this oil packs a nutritional punch, you can also use it on your face and skin. The same qualities and benefits you experience on the inside can benefit your skin. This little fruit's versatility lends itself well to more than one use, so buy a small bottle and put it in your bathroom right next to your toothpaste and deodorant.
Extra virgin olive oil penetrates deep into the skin, providing needed moisture as well as a shield to protect your skin, keeping it smooth.
Olive oil's antioxidants--vitamins A and E--can help repair skin damage from sun exposure, cigarette smoke and pollutants. 
Olive Oil Source recommends that, when you use olive oil as a moisturizer, you massage it into skin that's still slightly damp so that the remaining water on your skin can help keep your skin from feeling greasy.
You can also use it in making cosmetics, such as body or lip balms, lotions, body butters, lotion bars etc.

Exfoliating Skin
Mix extra virgin olive oil and sea salt or sugar together to make a natural exfoliant for your face and body, especially if you're suffering from scaly, dry skin. Massage this exfoliator into desired areas affected by dryness and scaliness. It works to get rid of the old, dry skin, revealing new, younger skin underneath. 

Skin Elasticity

Olive oil, when massaged gently, helps to promote your skin's elasticity. You don't need to limit yourself to external use. Incorporate it into your diet, and your entire body will benefits from the nutritional effects.
When you buy olive oil, whether you want to use it on your skin or in your diet, make sure you purchase the extra virgin formulation. Extra virgin olive oil has the highest nutritional value because it has undergone the least amount of processing.

Eye Makeup Remover

Put one or two drops of extra virgin olive oil on a cotton face pad and use it to remove your eye and face makeup at the end of the day. Gently remove your makeup without stretching and pulling the delicate skin around your eyes. As you use it, the olive oil works to soften the skin, especially when you use it as a makeup remover on a consistent basis.

Olive Oil for Hair

Olive oil is truly a powerhouse when it comes to hair applications. Its rich, moisturizing properties make it ideal for use on your hair.Whether you use it as your regular conditioner, a hot oil treatment or as a hair finishing product, your mane is bound to reap the many benefits of olive oil.

  • Best Natural Hair Mask Ever! Mix 2 tbs of extra virgin olive oil, 2 tbs of honey and 1 egg. Apply on your hair and leave it for at least 30min - the more you leave, the better it is! Rinse with water and shampoo as usual.
  •  Less Dandruff.  Mix equal amounts of olive oil, lemon juice and water – a few tablespoons of each should suffice. Massage into damp scalp, leave on for 20 minutes, rinse and shampoo. Use this flake-fighting treatment no more than every other week.
  • Split Ender. Just smooth a little olive oil on your fingers and run them through your hair after you've styled it to give your ends and flyaways the kiss off.
  • Strength and Shine. Replace your regular conditioner with olive oil to help bring moisture back to the hair, leaving it healthy-looking and shiny. Rich in vitamins A, E and antioxidants, olive oil helps protect the keratin in hair and seals in moisture. 
  • Manageability. A hot oil treatment featuring olive oil will help you gain manageability so your hair is easier to style. Coat your hair in a half cup of olive oil and leaving for 30 minutes can give your hair the moisture it needs to return it to a more manageable state.
  • Extra Softness. Olive oil can help soften your hair, making it more pliable. A natural, deep conditioning treatment of olive oil each week can replace the extra silicone ingredients used in conditioners that give your hair a false feeling of softness of for a few hours.

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