If you are looking for one of a kind and Jewelry unlike any other artist’s work, my "minimalist" design jewelry may be of interest.  The focal point is the stone and the use of metal is kept to a minimum.  The earring stone is polished on both sides and the stone used is REAL.    The metal components are Sterling Silver.

Malachite –

 Malachite is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral, with the formula Cu2CO3(OH)2. This opaque, green banded mineral crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system, and most often forms botryoidal, fibrous, or stalagmitic masses, in fractures and spaces, deep underground, where the water table and hydrothermal fluids provide the means for chemical precipitation.

A bit about me and my artworks -

My main interest is utilitarian artwork and thus the stone handled knives I am best know for.  What most do not know is over 3 decades ago I was selling Jewelry I made and I was fairly accomplished as a silversmith and goldsmith.  The problem is that once the internet came upon the scene so did thousands of others who were making jewelry.  I had originally stopped the work as silver and gold jumped hugely in the early 1980’s about the time our 2 daughters started school.  So, I and my wife decided it was much more important to pay for school and college than for my tiny jewelry artwork interest.

That brings us to now.  My main interest is utilitarian artwork and thus the knives.  After doing the Jade Symposium I received enough recognition to be entered into a “juried” selection of local art studios open for three days for public tours.  The juried event allows for up to five artwork entries so I have decided to expand a bit into “minimalist” jewelry designs.  Basically jewelry with as little metal as possible and the focal point being the stone.   I will only be using 14K gold and sterling silver as the attached metal components so when listed on Ebay, these are numbered and with a identification card signed by me.