Plants of this fabulously beautiful jade coloured succulent are not available anywhere else on ebay - certainly not in the UK

Graptopetalum macdougallii is a rosette forming succulent of a gorgeously attractive shade of pale jade green. The rosettes measure from approximately 1.5 cm to
2.5 cm across although older rosettes may reach 4 to 5 cm across. The rosettes readily reproduce: small brown star-shaped flowers appear on fragile stems and develop into new rosettes. These miniature rosettes eventually form aerial roots and can then be broken off and replanted. You can see this clearly in the photos.

You are buying 3-5 individual rosettes - I will lift the plants from the pots and remove the soil for posting, so they will need re-planting on arrival. (In fact the rosettes can survive for weeks without water)

I can ship them in a pot but would have to charge for the postage - please contact me if you want the plants shipped in a pot.

Graptopetalum macdougallii is not frost-hardy outside in the winter - I grow all my cacti and succulents outside from May to October but always move them back inside when it gets damp and cold (though not till November in mild 2017)
. I keep them on a South facing window sill over the winter. Be very careful watering succulents in cold temperatures as the rosettes can turn to mush if wet when the temperature is cold eg on a window sill in a not very warm room. Water sparingly only if the plants look really dessicated.

I have kept this plant going in the UK with thousands of offspring since 1982!