The Barnyard Series


Original Outsider Art by Pappy B.

This painting is  8 inches by 10 inches, on  CANVAS BOARD: Unframed

Acrylic on Canvas BOARD
8 inches by 10 inches

I am delighted and grateful that my art now hangs in private collections all over the United States.  It's a good feeling to know that the joy I get in painting is appreciated by others. Thank you!

Painted with brushes and acrylics, gels and other gloss mediums. My goal was to use as few brushes as possible, and try not to clean them while painting, allowing the paint to mix on the canvas and do what it wanted to do!

Cows forgive you if their noses look too big in your finished portraits.
People do not.
Cows are endlessly interesting, and do not mind if you decide to turn them purple.
People usually object.
Cows don't talk your ears off while you study them. They politely chew and moo.
People are noisier.
That's why I love to paint cows.
I hope you enjoy them!

--Pappy B
Thank you for taking the time to look at my art.



I'M A SELF-TAUGHT ARTIST. My girls call me Pappy so it kind of stuck and that's how my art was born as Pappy B. But the name fits: When I create art I take on a new me. I'm Grandma Moses, I'm a primitive, raw outsider painter, no art education, just a love of great painting and a genuine NEED to paint! I'm Self taught, never had a day of art lessons in my life. I paint because I HAVE to! It brings me such joy! Outsider, Folk art, influenced by Picasso/Pollock/Impressionists/Expressionists-- all painters are my teachers and I learn by looking at their great art, and then I do what the spirit within me tells me to do! Everyday, I work all day helping kids, and then I come home and go out to my garage and I paint. I do hope that my innocent paintings give you a smile! I'm in the business of spreading smiles. "All the worls's a stage" and here we are, so enjoy the play!


The artist tries to see the world with the eyes of a child, and the heart of an explorer. Isn't art supposed to take us out of ourselves, so that we can see our own TRUE selves? Isn't t the purpose of the artist to raise the level of JOY in the world? Take a moment now and breathe. Deep breath! Now--smile! Just simply, SMILE! Count your blessings, and enjoy every minute of your life. Tick-tock goes the clock! ENJOY! As an artist--I'm an outsider. But that also means I'm on the INSIDE--artists listen to the world and to nature and to their hearts, then we try and bring it to you so you can smile.

"Oh, earth, you're too wonderful for anybody to realize you. Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?"
-- Thornton Wilder


Since 1954

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